Your will be done!
Proverbs chapter 16 verse 1.
"We can make our plans but the final outcome is in God's hands."
It is so easy to follow our own desires. And it only takes a moment to follow a thought that can lead to problems.
Our own needs come before all else. If we are not happy and comfortable than we are grumpy and doing whatever it takes to get what we want. And we do not care how or at what expense we have to go in order to get our own way.
Are you sure that you are doing what is right? You have made up your mind that what you think is correct and you will argue when something other is stated. You state what you know, to be correct. Then when you find out that you were wrong, are you willing to admit that you were wrong? Maybe you will if the new information makes sense and is proven. Are you willing to admit your error to others whom you stood your ground so forcefully against? Are you ready to apologize, for your error.
We can make our own plans. It is built into us to get what we want and to convince ourselves that what we are thinking is right. So many issues can come from following our own thoughts. Relationships can suffer, our health can be affected, worry takes over and the never ending struggle to find peace seems so far away that we are blinded as to where it can be found. Before we know it age has slipped by and we have lost what can never be returned.
It takes a lot of strength to let go of believing that what we are doing is correct and to trust in God and His promises. No matter how many people tell us, that Jesus is the way to God and a life of peace, it is our own decision that sets our minds up for success.
As time goes by you will realize that God knew you would come to Him and He is the one who encouraged you and strengthened you on your journey of letting go of our own natural desires and following after Him.
You will squirm, you will go through the withdrawals from addictions, you will loose those who you thought were friends and do not understand your goals. Coming to God through Jesus is realizing your own faults and how wrong you have been all along. But the outcome is way better than continuing along the sadness and heartaches you have lived through.
With each step you take, there is progress seen in your decision to follow Jesus. And that makes you thankful to God. In fact you become so thankful that you never want to leave His side or go through a day without first asking Him to be with you.
When temptation or wrongful plans, like those that you used to easily fall prey to, are being made, you call upon the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to stay away. Your desire is to keep on the paths of righteousness and live a life that is pleasing to God. Maybe you turn away and are protected from making a wrong decision or maybe you are given the right words to speak that shows wisdom and understanding. One way or another you are amazed at the outcome and others around you are respectful and maybe left with questions about there own ways.
When you follow God's direction you will be happy, at peace and satisfied. You will be thankful to Jesus and so long for those who do not know Him to find their way with Him. Prayer will dominate your life as you talk to God about everything.
Thank you Father for Jesus and coming into our lives. Being the Light that we need to find our way. 😊
John chapter 12 verse 37.
"But despite all the miracles He had done, most of the people would not believe that He was the Messiah."
Philippians chapter 4 verses 12 and 13.
"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and the power."
John chapter 12 verse 45.
Jesus told them, "For when you see Me, you are seeing the one who sent Me. I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer wander in the darkness."
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