Set apart!
John chapter 3 verse 2.
"Sir," he said to Jesus, "We all know that God has sent You to teach us. Your miracles are proof enough of this."
Jesus has set us apart from others by showing us how to trust in God to provide our every need and give us a life where we love others as He loves us.
He is asking us to obey Him and follow His direction. That means we have to hold tightly to what God wants us to do for Him and not what we want to do for ourselves. So, the question is; Why have you come to God?
Are you hoping that He is this mighty Savior that you have heard about? When things are good and going well for us then it is hard to think that you need God's help. It is usually when the troubles of our lives become to heavy of a burden, that we succumb to the possibility that God can help us.
No matter what has made you come to God, the fact remains, that you are here before Him asking for Jesus to help you. Seeking forgiveness for not coming to Him before, and telling Him what has got you to this place of reaching out. This coming to God, for help, is above all other thoughts that we may have when it comes to solving our issues.
If you are here it means that you are believing that He can help you. And that is setting you aside as different than others. You no longer want to struggle, but hope for a better life with God. God has made it possible for all people, no matter who they are or how heavy their burdens may be, to come to Him through Jesus. Jesus is our connection to God, our heavenly Father, who is reaching out to you through Him.
This is not light stuff. You are asking God to accept you into His family. You are asking God to trust in you to follow and obey His rules. Sure, you can take a glimpse at what He can do for you. Sure, you can make the choice to follow or to walk away. Just remember we are talking about God here.
He already knows if you are going to be faithful to Him. He already knows your intentions and He is waiting for those who truly are seeking after His Son Jesus. That is why it is usually the
broken-hearted who come to seek Jesus, for they are in need of a miracle. Something drastically has to change. You are seeking God's help.
It is that very help that you seek, that will change your life forever. And you will wonder why you did not reach out to Him before. You will wonder why others are not reaching out, when He is right there, ready and willing to provide.
You will come to understand God's plan. For it is through forgiveness and love that Jesus stands out in your life. You have come into His family and as His child you keep your eyes upon Him. Trusting in Him to provide you with the wisdom to succeed and thankful for His wonderful blessings. Loving Him, for that right miracle, that you needed in your life.
Thank you Father for Jesus and being "reborn" into your family. 😊
John chapter 14 verse 10.
Jesus said, "Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say are not My own but are from My Father who lives in Me. And He does His work through Me. Just believe it---that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen Me do."
Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7.
"How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!"
2 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1.
"Having such great promises as these, let us turn away from everything wrong, whether of body or spirit, and purify ourselves, living in the wholesome fear of God, giving ourselves to Him alone."
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