
2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 8.
"Don't ever forget the wonderful fact that Jesus Christ was a Man, born into Kings David's family; and that He was God, as shown by the fact that He rose again from the dead."

There is no doubt that Jesus offers us a different way of living. You can live whatever way you want too, but the life that Jesus brought to us all, is God's promise of love. His love for all!
   You can follow the riches and addictions of this world or you can choose to believe in the stars or science or a rock with a face painted on it. Human being have the ability to choose the way they live their lives and what they want to believe in.
   That is why God sent Jesus. Because people have decided to follow and believe in all sorts of hopes and dreams. There is only one God and He has always been there. He is the same God today as He will be tomorrow. He has been asking people to let go of following after whatever they think is best and to trust in Him to guide them, provide for them and to protect them.
   The problem is stubbornness and the want to be different. Even though the number of believers has multiplied over the years, that does not mean that there are equally as many who still follow their owns wants and desires. Maybe they are not aware of God and His Son Jesus or maybe they choose to not believe in anything. Partying and money and getting from one day to the next is all they need. Maybe they choose one of the many other man made ideas, hoping that they can convince others to believe in lost dreams.
   In Genesis God became very angry at mankind and their misdirected beliefs. Throughout the Old Testament, God would use battles and hopelessness to reach people. Those same battles are still here today. And so is God. You can choose to fight and struggle with health, death, money, and love, or you can look to Jesus and find that God is has been waiting for you to call.
   Are you someone who does not want to believe because you cannot physically see God or stand in front of Him and hear Him speak encouraging words? Well that is the excitement of the glory of God revealed to those who understand who Jesus is and God's amazing love offered to all people. Why is it that those you meet, who are believers in God, love Jesus so much?
   It's not that they can see Him or talk with Him. Or is it? When you talk with someone who has life with God you will find that they have a relationship with Him. You will find that they trust in Him for everything and are forever thankful to Him for everything. Just as Jesus was revealed in His glory so that He could give the glory back to God. So are you!
   You are His child and He is seen in you and everything you do. Your joy and happiness reflects your love for Him. And it is that joy and willingness to serve that is seen by others. Some may want to know more about your life with God and others may not want anything to do with Him.
   You may be sad that everyone does not have a close relationship with God, but you are understanding of their choices of life. You may have been there once yourself and it is that understanding that helps you share the love of Jesus.
   Just as you once were filled with anguish and seeking help from being overwhelmed by the addictions and glitter of the world, now you are someone who can offer God's love. You will have the right words that are needed for someone to hear and that may lead them to know Jesus and the joy you are now filled with.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and the glorious life we have with You now. 😊       

2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 22.
"Run from anything that gives you the evil thoughts that young men often have, but stay close to anything that makes you want to do right. Have faith and love and enjoy the companionship of those who love the Lord and have pure hearts."

1 Peter chapter 5 verses 6 and 7.
"If you will humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, in His good time He will life you up. Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."

John chapter 17 verse 1.
Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, the time has come. Reveal the glory of Your Son so that He can give the glory back to You."   


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