Eternal song.

Psalms chapter 40 verses 1-3.
"I waited patiently for God to help me; then he listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out form the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God."

I have always enjoyed music.I have always felt that if someone took the time to learn to play an instrument and then used their talents to create music then it must be worth listening to. Now, everyone has their own preferences as too what they like to listen to, whether it be soft music or hard rock.
   I still own over two hundred Lp's and there are a few songs that spark good memories. I would never have thought that I would sing songs of joy. Eternal joy. Who would ever have thought that something could change your life so much that humming praise songs and the want to listen to praise music could dominate our days.
   Could there ever be anything to compare life with God to? I guess the best answer has to be the physical things we can see and touch. Like the night sky painted with amazing wonders. Or the warm breeze on a summer day, surrounded by the trees and the lakes. Or the never ending oceans of blue, sparkling with memories. But the best comparison has to be the love and joy you feel for God and His Son, Jesus.
   In Revelation, John speaks of seeing the never ending song of Holy Holy Holy, sung over and over again, praising God. Yes, you may be driving along and hear a song on the radio that you enjoyed in your past. It may even spark a memory of sadness or a time you enjoyed others.
   Can that be compared to your new life with Jesus? No way! The song you sing now is a song of Salvation. Everything you do, you see God in and are thankful to Him. From the breath you take to the mountains and valleys you can see past. The road is clear and you trust each step you are taking. You sing songs because you are walking with Jesus. Because God is with you and the Holy Spirit takes everything and explodes it into a wondrous world of thanksgiving.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and for taking the wheel of our lives. 😊

The song, Everything by TobyMac.
"Lord, I see you in everything, all day. And every beat of my heart keeps reminding me, I see You in little everything, all day. No matter where I go I know Your love is finding me, It's finding me in everything, all day."

The song, Jesus take the wheel by Carrie Underwood.
"Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hands, cause I can't do this on my own. I'm letting go, so give me one more chance. Save me from this road I'm on, Oh Jesus take the wheel.

Revelation chapter 4 verse 8.
"Day after day and night after night they kept saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty---the one who was, and is and is to come."


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