Psalms chapter 8 verse 3.
"When I look up into the skies and see the work of your fingers---the moon and the stars you have made---I cannot understand how you can bother with mere puny man, to pay attention to him!"
What do you think creativity is? Is it something you have done and you are pleased with the outcome? Is it something you have done that others enjoy?
Everything we do from facial expressions to accomplishing a goal is creativity. It is God who gives us the ideas that run through our minds. How do you feel when you read a book? Does it give you the thoughts of being in the story? Then it has done what it was created for!
When driving, someone cuts you off and you become agitated by it. How does it make you feel? Aggressive revenge ? Or, maybe the thought of, where are the police when you need them? That is creativity. A story to tell or thoughts to be written. All that we do is creativity.
Even when we take on challenges that seem beyond our abilities. Even when we make mistakes, and lessons are learned and improved upon. Even if we are someone who tries to hide away from life, filled with anxieties and doubts about our abilities and what others will think. That is creativity at it's best. So much effort is put into dodging what could be better.
God knows what we are capable of and that is why He sent Jesus. When you do look into the night sky and are amazed by the stars and the moon. When you watch the seasons come and go and can't wait for your favorite time of year to return. Are you not enjoying the best of what this world offers? The best of what God created for you to see and enjoy?
A warm breeze, a tropical sunshine, blue waters, mountains, cold deep snow, the trees covered in a blanket of white, the kiss of your spouse or your child giving you a hug. All are gifts that you enjoy and have come from a thought. A thought given to you by God.
Jesus is the best gift that could have ever been given to anyone. For from the moment you see God, through Jesus your eyes are opened to see His touch in all you do. And how thankful you are to Him. So, take on a challenge and watch as He gives you the ability to create and be creative. Watch as others are amazed at your accomplishments and how a tear comes to your eyes as you are filled with love and gratitude.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the cross. He is your best creation and our everlasting joy.😊
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
Matthew chapter 6 verse 31 and 32.
"So don't worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to."
2 Samuel chapter 22 verses 22-25.
"And I have not departed from my God. I knew His laws, and I obeyed them. I was perfect in obedience and kept myself from sin. That is why the Lord has done so much for me."
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