Be with Jesus

Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10.
"It is God Himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ago He planned that we should spend these lives helping others."

It is a life that is involved with other people that holds us together. It gives us purpose and a sense of accomplishment. If you are someone who hides away, who only goes out to the grocery store and quickly returns home, then you are missing out on love.
   Living only with yourself does not give you the experiences you need in life to be happy. Who am I to tell you what is best for you? If you want to live in seclusion then, you are accepting the life you create. But when you involve others there is joy. There will also be sadness and heartache, but you are not alone in life. Someone is there whom cares about you and you care about them.
   Most of us will marry the person whom we gain a close connection to. They become the one we trust and enjoy being around the most. When we live alone we are not accountable to anyone and can become set in or ways, making it difficult, in allowing room for others, to be part of whom we are.
   Everyone has their families and the daily routines. You would be fortunate if you met someone who can fit into how you live and get along with your quirks. You would be fortunate if you accepted the person into your life with all of their hangups and people that they know. It is not as hard as you think allowing others to get close to you and becoming part of everything around you.
   It is the want for love, that inspires you to let your guard down and take chances. Maybe you have never met the right person in your life who can laugh with you and enjoys listening to you, paying attention to you. Someone you feel loved by. In most cases, the meeting of two people, whom feel an attraction, happens without much thought being put into it. One minute you are not even thinking about someone and the next there is this person whom you like.
   Physical attraction is not what I'm talking about. It is the chance meeting of someone whom you make a connection with. Or was it a chance meeting? Maybe God brought you together. Have you ever wondered why you have such an amazing connection with that person?
   You always here about marriage anniversaries and maybe you wish you too could have such a connection with someone like that. Let me talk to you about a relationship with God and what it's like to walk with Jesus. God is powerful and His love is shown through His Son Jesus. You are being invited to let go of all you burdens and to trust Jesus, to bring you into a life with God. God cares about who you are and wants you to have the best life you could ever imagine, through trusting in Him.
   It is your praise and love He wants and He gets this by providing you with all your needs. You trust in Him by letting go of the way you want to do something, and following His direction. It is the wants and the desires of our hearts that keep us blinded to God's love. When you can let go of what you want and see that God is there and that Jesus is your Salvation, then you will experience the gifts of God.
   You are not alone and never will be. Maybe you will meet the right someone whom also walks with God and has been saved through Jesus. The life we are living is a gift from God and He wants us to know His love. Just let go of what holds you down and fills your thoughts with stuff. Get to know Jesus and God will take care of you.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and life with You. Thank you for seeing past hatred and anger and frustration and showing us love through Jesus. 😊

Ephesians chapter 4 verse 2.
"Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love. Try always to be led along together by the Holy Spirit, and so be at peace with one another."

Galatians chapter 3 verse 22.
"The only way out is through faith in Jesus Christ; the way of escape is open to all who believe Him."

Mark chapter 1 verse 3.
"The messenger will live out in the barren wilderness" Isaiah said, "and will proclaim that everyone must straighten out his life to be ready for the Lord's arrival."


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