The difference.

Psalms chapter 119 verses 1-6.
"Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God. Happy are all who search for God and always do His will, rejecting compromise with evil, and walking only in His paths. You have given us Your laws to obey---oh, how I want to follow them consistently. Then I will not be disgraced, for I will have a clean record."

Even strong willed followers of Christ have to work extra hard each day to recognize temptations and hold faithful to God, their Father.
   Our old ways are memories of how we once lived and they are constantly popping up into our thoughts. It doesn't mean that we allow them to flourish and lead us in wrong directions but that we are aware of them and can put them back where they belong.
   This allows God's Spirit to grow inside us giving us the strength to stand out as different and to have the right words that may help others along the right paths of living, instead of easily giving into wrongful desires. We are human and we do make mistakes and that is why Jesus gave His life so that we can be forever forgiven.
   When you come to know Jesus and why God sent Him then you will be welcomed into His family. No longer wanting anything to do with trusting in ourselves, but to strive each moment of everyday to be living a life that is pleasing to God. Everything is seen as a blessing from God and you will be thankful for His blessings and filled with the joy of loving Him.
   The breath we take, that fills us with life. The air provided to breath, the things we see with each step we take. The world that once passed by so quickly is now pointed out to us by God. The Holy Spirit helps us to see God in all we do and that fills us with thankfulness and gratitude.
   So when a thought pops into your mind, you will quickly determine if it is right or wrong. Our own inclinations can lead us to do wrong things, but when the Holy Spirit flourishes in our actions then we amazed and thankful. Maybe they are words that were helpful to someone. Maybe you did something that was just what someone else needed. Maybe you accomplished something that you never would have seen yourself doing.
   There is a huge difference between life with God and life without Him. Following ourselves leads to anger and frustration as we try to figure out why things happen as they do. Living with God as our Father, our eyes are on Him, to lead us, gives us the confidence of knowing He is there. That is when we see Him guiding us and protecting us. There is joy instead of frustration.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and life with You. 😊 

Luke chapter 16 verse 10.
"For unless you are honest in small matters, you won't be in larger ones. If you cheat even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."

Ephesians chapter 4 verses 31 and 32.
"Stop being mean, bad-tempered and angry. Quarreling, harsh words and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ."

Proverbs chapter 4 verses 11-13.
"I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. If you live that kind of life, you will not limp or stumble as you run. Carry out My instructions; don't forget them, for they will lead you to real living."



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