Say "Hello"

1 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 24-
"But God has opened the eyes of those called to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, to see that Christ is the mighty power of God to save them; Christ Himself is the center of God's wise plan for their salvation. This so-called 'foolish' plan of God is far wiser than the wisest plan of the wisest man, and God in His weakness---Christ dying on the cross---is far stronger than any man."

I used to wonder about this God stuff. Was there any truth to an unseen God, maybe caring about who I am?
   I worked hard, I played hard, I was fed up with attitudes and never finding peace, no matter what that may look like. I was relaxed, because I kept to myself and did not engage in the social affairs of others. I wanted to have a relationship and someone close to laugh with and share in my life with, but I always bumped into the wrong greed and misfortunes of others. I did not want their baggage, I already had enough of my own, even though my own was not much at all. I was the one who was picky and I needed to change.
   I did not know anything of God. I owned a bible from my youth and I never put any merit in  believing that a book could change life so drastically. I believed in education and that through knowledge you gained what was need to be successful.
   I still struggled with attitudes. The people who were the ones who thought they had power. The ones who you needed to request a job from and prove your worth to them as valuable. I needed to humble myself to others and not because of my knowledge but because I needed to work, to have an income, in order to get the things I wanted and enjoyed.
   I really had to learn how to be socially acceptable. Getting along with others was not my best asset. I preferred to work alone and found it difficult to provide what others were looking for. I had to learn to listen. I had to learn to care. I had to learn to love. That meant biting my tongue and holding my thoughts to myself, while others took control.
   Why was it that I needed to suck up to others? Who are they to tell me how to act? I was not getting to far on my own. It was my attitude that was wrong. I could see the success of others and I could see that some of them also struggled to hold onto what they had.
   Education could only take me so far. Having a job that entitled authority just caused grief. Just doing my bit and trying to keep to myself, never volunteering and keeping a low profile, seemed to work for a little while but left me alone and at the back of the group.
   Maybe it was my want to have a better life that led me to read the bible. Maybe I was bored and thought why not read this book, what else is there to do. Maybe I thought that God could help and the bible was the only way, I knew, about how to find out more.
   Reading the bible changed everything about me. God was not asking me to do this or do that, He was asking me to trust in Him. The old testament is filled with stories of how people fought to do life as they thought was right. Some found God and could not understand why everyone would not want to hold close to Him. God tried so hard to get people to love Him and trust in Him, only to be disappointed time and time again.
   The new testament is where we get to know Jesus and God's plan for all people. It was through the bible that I learned of God's love for me. It was through Jesus that I found how much God loves me. My heart softened as I realized that I am God's child and Jesus is my savior. God wanted me to trust in Him and Jesus showed me how to do that. Wow, everyday became a new mind blowing experience as I trusted in God to care for me.
   Start by asking for Him to be with you through out your day. Thank Him for Jesus and your new life. Then as you take each step, as you interact with others, as you drive, as you reach for food, as you love your family and spouse, you will see His touch upon you. You will be thankful and become one of the people who wonders why all people do not put God first place in their lives.
   You are happy and others will see that in you.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and opening our eyes to see You. 😊

1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 30.
"For it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus. He showed us God's plan of salvation; He was the one who made acceptable to God; He made us pure and holy and gave Himself to purchase our salvation."   

2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21.
"For God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then, in exchange, He poured God's goodness into us."

Psalms chapter 116 verses 1 and 2.
"I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers them. Because He bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breath!"


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