James chapter 4 verses 7 and 8.
"So give yourselves humbly to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. And when you draw close to God, God will draw close to you."
It is a fight. Not just a stroll through the park, but an awareness all the time.
All around us is temptation and our own desires. You need to look the other way, you need to say "no." That is when you can be happy and filled with gratitude. You have overcome what was gnawing at you.
You realize that it was an accomplishment and decide that you would not have been capable of such a feat under your own power. It has been proven that temptation and our desires are stronger than our own willpower. If it is something we want, then we go after it and stop at nothing until we get it. It may not even matter whom we hurt along the way. We may even ignore our own feelings, pushing them out so that we can have what we want.
You say to yourself that you are not hurting too much, and that others will get over it quickly. You say, that a little debt won't be that bad, I can always climb back. Who are you fooling? Trouble comes along those paths. You may get by once, maybe twice or many, many times, but each little step in the wrong direction builds into a larger hurdle to climb back over.
For most people it can be years of abuse, accepting that we are ok and no one is being affected but us. We can even convince ourselves that we are happy, when really we are filled with anxieties caused by concerns. At what point will you accept the help of God? When will you stop convincing yourself that you are alone in your life and it is up to you and you alone to be happy or not.
God cares enough that He sent Jesus to show you the way to Him. You fell away from fearing God or even believing He exists. The big questions about the creation of the earth and stars may not matter to you. You just want to get through today and the next.
As we age it is our health that can cause us to see differently. Premature death of someone you care about can cause us to have questions. Our finances, our relationships, the challenges we face each day, our successes and our failures can cause us to be amazed at our own abilities or did we have help?
If you are able to see past your own doubts and maybe accept that God did create the earth, the stars, the days and the nights, and even our own amazing bodies, then maybe you will see that you have never been alone, but that God is real. You start to have lots of questions and start to seek the answers and you find out that God has promised to be with us all along. That by trusting in Him and He will take care of us.
You find out about Jesus and that the stories you have heard are true. You meet others who have their stories to tell of how Jesus touched their lives. You start to realize that things that have happened to you may have not been from your own abilities. You can see that the directions you took prevented you from failure and making fatal mistakes that could have had long lasting affects.
You become thankful to God for your life. You become thankful for your family and friends. You give Him the gratitude that you now see He deserves. You become filled with happiness caused by the relief of knowing God is with you. You are confident that He wants to watch over you and protect you. You can share what you know and others may listen. God's promise that Jesus will walk with you, is true. You become aware of the Holy Spirit and worship and trust and thanksgiving.
All your hopes and dreams are coming true and all because you have pushed out your lost misdirected ways of living and now trust in God who has always been there. You are home where you belong safe and protected. Everywhere you go God is there ready to give you the wisdom and the right words that will see you successful and helpful to others.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the life we have that comes from trusting in You. 😊
Ephesians chapter 4 verses 21-24.
"If you have really heard His voice and learned from Him the truths concerning Himself, then throw off your old evil nature---the old you that was a partner in your evil ways---rotten through and through, full of lust and sham. Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better. Yes you must be a new and different person holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature."
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 23.
"Reverence for God gives life, happiness, and protection from harm."
1 Kings chapter 8 verse 27.
"But is it possible that God would really live on earth? Why, even the skies and the highest heavens cannot contain you, much less this Temple I have built!
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