
2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 14.
"Guard well the splendid, God-given ability you received as a gift from the Holy Spirit who lives within you."

We all have to guard ourselves. If we don't then we can easily get into trouble. And that can cause a long list of hurts that we don't need.
   It is our actions and our words that put us in jeopardy. When used for good, then we are happy and content, but it only takes a moment of misunderstanding and wrongfully spoken words to turn what was good into failure. People can't help themselves from having opinions. And those opinions are formed from things we have seen or heard others teach.
   People are gullible and easily accept what someone is saying as true. Then when we later try to defend what we repeat, we may find others challenging our beliefs. People don't mean to hurt each other intentionally. It just happens. So, how quick are you able to forgive and forget?
   Humble people find it easy to let wrongful words go in one ear and right out the other. They think it is easier to keep peace then it is to create turmoil over blurted out statements. There is a choice to be made and lots of times we do not think of them fast enough, to stop ourselves from creating havoc.
   Even Jesus spoke words that stirred the emotions of others. But His words were intentional and were meant to make people think about their beliefs. There are a lot of conversations that stir up emotions, most of them are easily overcome and don't cause great changes to our lives.
   People are not that quick to accept change. They have set patterns that keep them in check and not one person is the same as another. There may be similarities and habits picked up from others, but we all like to have our own identities. The small things that set us apart from someone else. It could be things we like to collect or it could be our sense of humor. It could be our quick whit or maybe that we are a little slower at grasping things. Whoever we are, we do adjust ourselves to what makes us happy and accepted by others.
   God has always promised to take care of people. He loves us and even though we have decided to follow our own inclinations, He waits patiently for people to come to Him. His promises never falter, they are the same today, as they were to all others yesterday and they always will be, to those yet to come. He wants to protect us and keep us from sadness.
   His promises are true and there is joy to be had by living with Him. You may have doubts about whether God is real. But if you do not seek to learn for yourself, then you will continue believing in your own ways. There are many who have come to God and their stories are all filled with thanksgiving and love. They talk about Jesus and have a confident joy for all things.
   Take the steps to know God and you will find Jesus and the changes that you need. You will belong to His family, forever protected and loved.
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for helping us to know the truth and Your love. 😊 

Revelation chapter 22 verse 9.
The angel said to him; No, don't do anything like that. I, too, am a servant of Jesus as you are, and as your brothers the prophets are, as well as all those who heed the truth stated in this Book. Worship God alone."

Proverbs chapter 12 verse 14.
"Telling the truth gives a man great satisfaction, and hard work returns many blessings to him."

1 Kings chapter 11 verses 9 and 10.
"Jehovah was very angry with Solomon about this, for now Solomon was no longer interested in the Lord God of Israel who had appeared to him twice to warn him specifically against worshiping other gods. But he hadn't listened."         


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