
Luke chapter 6 verse 12.
"One day soon afterwards Jesus went out into the mountains to pray, and He prayed all night."

Praying, is the way Jesus spoke to God. It was how He was refreshed and strengthened. It was where He reassured His guidance in serving God. It is where He spoke to His Father and shared is most inner secrets and concerns.
   When we pray are we really having that close of a relationship with our Father? Has something happened that causes you to call out to Him in desperation? Maybe you have had a conversation with someone and they have spoken to you about their problems or maybe you have over heard a conversation that you feel a prayer may help. Maybe you saw a news cast and you feel drawn to pray for the situation.
   It is those feelings of concern that you are bringing to God in prayer. God wants to hear from you, but He wants your true concern. Not just an expectation that He is God almighty and that you think you are someone special in His eyes and that He will grant you what you ask. It is through our relationship with God that we know Jesus and His Holy Spirit. We belong to His family and are not just passers by, but His loved and cared for children.
   Jesus went off to pray and not just a quick prayer but time spent with His Father. Where they shared love and joy and the concerns of forgiveness and the guidance to help. Jesus was refreshed and confident that He was never alone.
   There are a lot of concerns that can make us feel sad and helpless. God knows the lives of people and how you are His child. So you represent God as best you can. You do pray for others and their issues. You do ask for the simple things, because He is your Father and you know that He is listening and caring.
   Jesus was the first with many brothers who would follow after His leading. God knows who loves Him and trusts in Him. They are the ones who recognize His answers and have the right words that people need to hear. They are the ones with the wisdom to succeed leaving them with thanksgiving and joy. They are the ones who help others find their way.
   They live all around us and serve as Jesus did. They are the ones that the Holy Spirit puts into position and fills with all that is needed to help others know Jesus and God's love. You will know them because they pray for you, they talk to God about you.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and our lives with You. You are our Father whom we love and look to.😊       

Romans chapter 8 verses 28 and 29.
"And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans. For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him--- and all along He knew who would---should become like His Son, so that His Son would be the First, with many brothers."

Matthew chapter 11 verses 28-30.
Jesus said, "Come to Me and i will give you rest---all who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear My yoke---for it fits perfectly---and let Me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens."

Proverbs chapter 12 verse 14,
"Telling the truth gives a man great satisfaction, and hard work returns many blessings upon him."


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