
Daniel chapter 9 verse 25.
"Now Listen! It will be forty-nine years plus 434 years from the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem, until the Anointed One comes!

When you learn something new do you use it or do you just forget about it?
   If it is useful to us, then we will make the effort to use what we have learned and to even expand on our new found knowledge adapting it to our needs and simplifying it so that it becomes easier to use. If the information we have learned is not so useful to us, then we may gossip about it for a short time, and quickly filing it away as, "Not necessary information."
   Every moment of everyday, whether awake or at sleep we are thinking about stuff. Sometimes our best ideas come to us in our dreams. When we are awake then everything we do from the most simple repetitive task to the undaunted trials of facing challenges is learning. We not only affect our own thoughts by changing up what we do, but other people also have an influence on the outcomes.
   Our moods can affect our ability to learn and retain information, and that can have an affect our future endeavors. Are you enthusiastic to learn new things or are you someone who sits back and lets others take the lead? 
   Learning new things and being energetic about wanting to learn new things can open doors to all sorts of possibilities. If you are not curious, then your thoughts will get the better of you, as you form opinions and maybe blurt out words that are not helpful to anyone. It is ok to step outside your safe world and see what is out there. No one is forcing you into any situation that you are not comfortable with. Learning new things inspires our dreams and hopes.
   The book of Daniel was written hundreds of years before Jesus came to earth. Yet God let him know the plans that He has. It is that plan that can have life changing affects on anyone who learns about it. Unlike other knowledge we gain, knowing about God and His plan becomes the most valuable information we could ever learn.
   You have learned about Jesus and God's love and the hope for eternal life. You have learned about the Holy Spirit and the available wisdom. You now realize that all knowledge and learning energy is from God. You spend time wanting to learn more. You attend church where you see others who's lives have also been changed by God. You hear the songs and your heart bursts with praising God. You love Jesus and are thankful for God's plan of your salvation through Him.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and opening our eyes and ears, to see and hear, of life with You. 😊 

Daniel chapter 9 verse 24.
"Then at last they will learn to stay away from sin, and their guilt will be cleansed; then the kingdom of everlasting righteousness will begin."

Romans chapter 12 verse 2.
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you."

1 Kings chapter 19 verses 12 and 13.
And after the fire, there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his scarf and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And the voice said, "Why are you here, Elijah?" 


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