It's OK!

Mark chapter 9 verse 6.
"He said this just to be talking, for he did not know what else to say and they were terribly frightened."

Have you ever been in a situation where you are nervous because you were uncomfortable?
   It happens when your are applying for a job and are hoping that you will answer correctly all that is required. It happens when you find yourself alone, walking in an unfamiliar areas. It happens when we are confronted for something we did. It happens when we are getting ready to go on that roller coaster ride or about to ask someone for their hand in marriage.
   You know the sweaty palms, the stuttering words, or the mumbling to yourself for comfort. No one like to feel uncomfortable and we will do whatever it takes to quickly escape. We prefer to be happy and at peace. So we run, lie, hide or deceive in order to maintain the peace we want.
   God has asked us to put aside trusting in ourselves and to follow after His Son Jesus. To believe that Jesus is our Savior and that through Him we can come to have all that God promises. It is not really a large request, but it is one where we have to let go of all that we have held close to and has been the cause of our stress, anxieties and health issues.
   God expects us to stop trusting in ourselves, as we seek to find a peaceful life, and to hear the voice of His Son. It is through Jesus that you can to come into the family of God, where you will find what you search so hard for. The same miracles that happened in the stories of the bible are the same miracles that are happening to people today and can happen to you.
   It can be frightening to step into a new life where you are not sure of what will happen to you. That is why most people who come to God are doing it as a last resort. They have run out of options and figure what have I got to lose. Maybe God can help, so I will ask and hope that His promises are true.
   What will happen, will amaze you! It is like the feeling of the sun shining and providing what is needed to warm your cold body. Like you are being hugged and held close, where there is protection and peace. And it is as simple as asking Jesus and believing that He is listening.
   There is no puzzle to solve, there is no secret hidden agendas, all there is, becomes clear. Like you have never seen it before and wonder how could you have been missing it all along. You are excited and thankful. Finally, no more hiding or running from the truth. Only honesty about what is happening to you.
   All fear is gone because you have come home and found a welcoming family who cares. You have a Father who promises to watch over you, guide you and love you. You are happy!
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for Your hand and comforting voice that makes everything, ok. 😊   

Mark chapter 9 verses 2 and 3.
"Suddenly Jesus' face began to shine with glory, and His clothing became dazzling white, far more glorious than any earthly process could ever make it! The Elijah and Moses appeared and began talking with Jesus!"

Luke chapter 6 verse 27 and 28.
"Listen all of you. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Pray for the happiness of those who curse you; implore God's blessing on those who hurt you."

Proverbs chapter 30 verses 2-
"I am tired out, O God, and ready to die. I am too stupid even to call myself a human being! I cannot understand man, let alone God. Who else but God goes back and forth to heaven? Who else holds the wind in His fists, and wraps up the oceans in His cloak? Who but God has created the world? If there is any other, what is his name---and his son's name---if you know it? Every word of God is true. He defends all who come to Him for protection."


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