2 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10.
"For God sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away sin and seek eternal life."
John chapter 8 verse 36 says; "If the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free." That is an amazing promise, that is true.
When we are living in sorrow, our thoughts are totally fogged to seeing a way out. We work so hard to find a solution to our problems that we are stuck in a circle of never ending possibilities. Which path do we choose? If I take that one then these consequences could happen and if I follow that other path than those issues are going to arise.
Anxiety builds and becomes overwhelming causing us to hide away. Our issues don't go away, but only get worse because we are not dealing with them. They can also have a lasting affect on our confidence and love. We don't want to regret the help of others, but find it hard to accept their advice as it feels like they are directing us. Maybe we feel that they are even, a little disappointed in us.
Years of living in a life of sadness and mistrust, makes it very hard to trust any new solutions and possibilities of hope. You have already tried to mellow and mask your feelings with bars and wrongful living, only to be feeling, the same as before. You don't want to do self meditation or follow paths of organized religion. You are seeking, what you can't seem to find.
Maybe you are better to continue on the paths you walk and just accept that this is the life that has developed around me. I'm going to age, there will be aches and pains and the issues of life are never going to go away. I alone, am the one who has to deal with what life throws my way.
Now, there is one solution you may or may not be aware of. His name is Jesus. You may have heard others talk about Him and your mind is made up not to be one of them. Maybe you have heard about the promises of God and find it hard to believe in someone you can't see or touch. But you are curious and like the possibilities of being free, to live in peace.
The bible makes it possible to read about God and His Son Jesus. You can take Him at your own pace, in the privacy of your own thoughts and time. God is not going anywhere. This is His world. He created it and He is offering you the freedom of walking with Him. Jesus will change your life. The pressures of everyday life will not go away, but God does amazing things to those who trust in Jesus.
You are the one who has to take the steps towards Jesus. He has been there all along, through out your life, waiting for you to call out to Him. The moment you do talk to Him, is the moment your life will change. For you have come to the point of believing that He can make a difference, to you.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for patiently waiting for those who finally see through the clutter. 😊
John chapter 14 verse 21.
"The one who obeys Me is the one who loves Me; and because he loves Me, My Father will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal Myself to him."
Galatians chapter 5 verse 13.
"You have been given freedom; not freedom to do wrong, but freedom to love and serve each other."
1 John chapter 1 verse 9.
"Confess your sins to God and He can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong."
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