Your home!
Matthew chapter 9 verse 36.
"And what a pity Jesus felt for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they did not know what to do or where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd."
In our lives we like being around people and enjoying the company and leisure of sharing food and conversation. Sheep like to graze together and if you listen they are also talking to each other. Chickens like to peck their food together and if you listen you can hear them clucking back and forth. Dogs and cats like to be around humans and are content with the shelter of their home.
In all these situations there is peace and contentment. I was watching the bird feeder and couldn't help but notice how they shared food and water fountain together. Now if a predator happened to come close then all sorts of warning sounds and scrambling begin to happen.
It is the same with our lives. When all is going good we are happy and content. But it does not take much to throw our daily routines out of wack. It could be a simple cold or a word spoken that rubbed you the wrong way. It could be more serious, having long lasting affects. No matter what the issues or troubles are, we are no longer happy but trying desperately to get our lives back on track.
Jesus uses the comparison of the shepherd and his flock to represent God and why He has come. He states that He is the gate and His flock knows His voice and follow closely to Him. If even one of His flock goes missing He leaves the others to go and find him. Once the lost person hears the voice of Jesus calling they come to Him for they know that He is there protector and refuge.
If trouble comes into our lives then we should be looking to Jesus for guidance and understanding. He is the Shepherd and when one of his flock is in trouble He will protect and restore the balance of peace. When there is peace and contentment then the door is open for conversation and the welcoming of new people.
In order to have what God offers, you need to belong to His flock and through Jesus be welcomed into His family. Once there you would wonder why you had missed out on this before. But no matter, you have found your place where you belong and you are happy. Your mind is at ease and your heart sings songs of praise. Thanking God for Jesus. Grateful and filled with love for Jesus and your new family.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the peace of belonging to Your flock. 😊
John chapter 10 verses 7-9.
"I am the Gate for the sheep," Jesus said. "All others who came before Me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. Yes I am the Gate. Those who come in by way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures."
John chapter 10 verses 25-27.
"I have already told you, and you don't believe Me," Jesus replied. "The proof is in the miracles I do in the name of My Father. But you don't believe Me because you are not part of My flock. My sheep recognize My voice and I know them and they follow me."
Matthew chapter 18 verses 10 and 11.
"Beware that you don't look down upon a single one of these children. For I tell you that in heaven their angels have constant access to My Father. and I, the Messiah, came to save the lost."
(You are His child and once you belong to His family He will always be with you.)
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