Without doubt.

Matthew chapter 11 verse 6.
Jesus told them, "Then give Him this message, Blessed are those who don't doubt Me."

It is another day, just like all the rest. You don't know for sure what today may bring but you are ready to take on whatever is to come.
   Maybe you are a single person who wishes they had a someone close to them or maybe you are already with someone and feel that you are the one who has to deal with the burdens of the day. It is nice to have that person there who you can talk with and care for. Even through the bickering and rough words sometimes used, you are happy to have them there. They have become that person who knows you best and you are not facing life alone.
   There are always interesting stories that come from interacting with others or relating to the news casts of the day. You have someone there who will listen and laugh or cry along side you. There is rest in knowing that someone is close to you. That they are always there supporting you and loving you.
Maybe you have had someone with you before and you did not get along and it ended with the mutual decision to move on. Maybe you think that you don't need someone in your life. That you are better off alone, that way you are the only one to be accountable to.
   Jesus wants you to know that no matter what best suits your life, you do not have to struggle with your thoughts. God wants you to bring your troubles and anxieties to Him. That way He can guide you in the best path that will bring peace to you and honor and glory to Him. God wants you to be free to thank Him and to trust in His love for you.
   It is wrong to think of reasons as to why you should not to be with God or walk with Jesus. All God wants for you is to be happy and at peace. He wants your praise and thanksgiving. You are free to choose the life you want. God just does not like to see you sad and living in the blur of not knowing what His promises are all about.
   True happiness and contentment is found in trusting Jesus. He will bring you the joy of seeing God and knowing the wonderful love that He has to offer. Talk to Jesus about your life. Expect answers. Be patient and persistent. Don't give up. Hold close to the hope of a life where you are thankful and at peace. He hears you! He just wants to know that you are really sincere in your coming to Him.
   He will astonish you. You will be awed. You will experience love like so powerful that your tears will be happy and thankful. Real life is to be enjoyed and God will provide all you need to see that happen. Trust is earned and He knows that. So He will not fail you, for He wants you to trust in Him.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and knowing for sure, without any doubt that You are the way, and the truth and the life. 😊

John chapter 14 verses 6 and 7.
Jesus told him, "I am the Way--- and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of Me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who My Father is. From now on you know Him and have seen Him!"

Matthew chapter 11 verses 27-30.
Jesus told them, "Everything has been entrusted to Me by My Father. Only the Father knows the Son, and the Father is known only by the Son and by those to whom the Son reveals Him. Come to Me and I will give you rest---all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear My yoke---for it fits perfectly---and let Me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens."

Jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23 and 24.
The Lord says: "Let not the wise man bask in his wisdom, nor the mighty man in his might, nor the rich man in his riches. Let them boast in this alone: That they truly know Me, and understand that I am the Lord of justice and of righteousness whose love is steadfast; and that I love to be this way."



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