With God.

1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 33.
"I try to please everyone in everything I do, not doing what I like or what is best for me, but what is best for them, so that they may be saved."

Do you live up to the standard of pleasing others before yourself? It is hard to do especially when it is something we really want.
   Are you someone who tries to get the best seat at the invited party? Are you the one who puts up their hand first trying to beat others to the answers? At the luncheon are you the person who thinks they need to get into the food line quickly so that you don't might miss out on something good?
   There are many scenarios that portray how we put ourselves first over others. And to someone who does not have Jesus in their lives, this can seem to be normal living. You need to take care of yourself for no-one else is going to do it for you!
   God asks a lot from those who want to come follow Jesus. We have to give up "our-self " way of thinking and trust in God to provide. His plan, is for us to be so happy with Him, that we stand out as His.
    The news cast showed a baseball game where a foul ball was hit into the stands and several children ran to retrieve it. The first one there took the ball and gave it to someone he did not know. And when they returned to their seats the child with the ball gave the stranger a thank-you hug. Now that is kindness at it's best. Would adults do that?
   When we first come to God there is an internal battle, where the person you were, fights with your new found life with Jesus. Your friends and family may not understand why you are choosing such a drastic life change. But you know this is the life you need. You have felt the hand of Jesus lifting you up. You are watching as the old you is defeated and being replaced with joy of stepping into the Light.
   Are you really sacrificing anything to live in the Light of Jesus? What was old is past and there is a newness of life in your soul. You feel great, rejuvenated and filled with awe. You humble yourself to those who do not understand and pray for them to see through you, Jesus. Are you forcing anyone to accept your new ways? No, for it is a journey they have to take on their own, just as you welcomed the hand of Jesus.
   Have you become this "goody two shoes" that is prideful and does not want to associate with others because they do not know Jesus as you do? No, you continue to enjoy the company of everyone, no matter who they are. It is your walk with Jesus that will allow the Holy Spirit the room to use you for the joy of God.
   Always remember, you once were without God and you struggled with Jesus and God as the Creator. You are no different than anyone else. The only difference is that you are God's child who is living in the Light of Jesus, blessed by the Holy Spirit and because of this new life you choose to walk in righteousness. A life that is pleasing to God.
   The changes to your life will be thankfulness, love and kindness. You will gather with others to worship and praise God. You will grow in your faith and know the presence of Jesus. You will see the results of the Holy Spirit through your achievements and others will be astounded by your wisdom. Your journey is just beginning and the only one you want to please is your heavenly Father who sent Jesus to bring you home.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and not thinking that I have to do anything except love and share You. You do the rest through me. 😊

Luke chapter 14 verses 8 and 9.
Jesus told them; "If you are invited to a wedding feast, don't always head for the best seat. For if someone more respected than you shows up, the host will bring him over to where you are sitting and say, 'Let this man sit here instead.' And you, embarrassed, will have to take whatever seat is left at the foot of the table!

John chapter 8 verse 31 and 32.
Jesus said to them, "You are truly My disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Matthew chapter 10 verse 39.
Jesus told them, "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will save it."


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