Who's listening?
John chapter 3 verse 32.
"He tells what He has seen and heard, but how few believe what He tells them!"
Has that happen to you? You are talking about something you have seen or heard and you are doubted for what you are saying.
Maybe it just seems to far fetched for others to understand. You don't really have solid proof to show them, but you know what you saw and you know what you heard and that is what is important.
You do want others to believe what you are saying. You believe it, so why won't others? They need to see for themselves. You can't be the only one who believe's this! You seek out others who have the same belief and reassure yourself that you are not alone.
This can happen. Hopefully you are not laughed at or ridiculed for your beliefs. Hopefully you do not become withdrawn and silent. Hopefully you do not start questioning your own thoughts. Being doubted on something can make us defensive and angry and can cause us to form an opinion of those who ridicule you.
What you saw or heard could have been a simple story you read or maybe something that was televised. Maybe it was gossip and you just mistook what was being said, as truth. We all like the attention when our story is closely being listened too. Especially if there is interest and maybe further conversation.
Jesus knew what God's plan was. He knew that He needed to tell the people about salvation and that through Him there is a chance to be free from guilt and shame. He is giving people the choice that they need. You don't have to live any longer burdened by debt or the lustful desires that have come from making wrong choices.
Jesus is offering a life where your thoughts are aware of the burdens and you are prepared with right thinking and the support of God's Holy Spirit. This all comes together so that you have a clear mind, where you are thankful to God for Jesus. Where the joy and happiness inside of you keeps you focused on pleasing God and makes you think twice about doing the wrong thing.
Jesus told everyone and suffered at the hands of those who did not accept what He was saying. But to those, like yourself, who believe in Jesus as God's Son and our Savior, then you have the same story inside you as Jesus does. Now you can talk about Him and offer to others the choice that you were given. There will be those who show interest and those who will challenge your faith. Be strong and know that what you believe is true and that the Holy Spirit and God's family is all around you.
Thank you Father for Jesus and opening our eyes to see Your world. 😊
Revelation chapter 3 verse 17.
"You say, I am rich, with everything I want; I don't need a thing! And you don't realize that spiritually you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked."
1 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16.
"Don't you realize that all of you together are the house of God, and that the Spirit of God lives among you in His house?"
Romans chapter 6 verse 17.
"Thank God that though you once chose to be slaves of sin, now you have obeyed with all your heart the teaching to which God has committed you."
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