Who's happy?

Psalms chapter 33 verses 21 and 22.
"No wonder we are happy in the Lord! For we are trusting Him. We trust His Holy name. Yes, Lord let Your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in You alone."

I used to go about each day without any thought what so ever of God or Jesus, let alone believe that a simple call to the Holy Spirit could give me right thoughts and even change my words.
   The list of mistakes and worries must have been horrendous. How could I have felt any peace or restored strength. I know that there was division from my family. I know that my co-workers had to put up with me. I know there were complaints and how I had to defend my actions.
   I was tired and drained from the constant concerns of having to face the trials that each day brought. Did I have what it took to succeed? Was my life all about the worry of someone else's decisions as to whether I was good enough or not? Outside of work, I was lonely and hid my feelings in a bottle and calmed my thoughts with drugs. My health felt horrible, restless and exhausted.
   I have to thank God for Jesus and salvation. Life on my own was going down hill quickly. I was getting older and what did I have, that made me feel content? I am a house owner, I have a good job, I'm was not married(I never knew how to meet someone and trust them), I own a car and can maintain food on my table. I take vacations, but they seem to go by so quickly. My family and I were not very close, even though there is no reason for the distancing. I struggled to accomplish goals, but through persistence and a variety of emotions, I would get what I wanted.
   Yes, Jesus did take me by the hand and lifted my out of what I thoughts was normal living and into a joy, that I never would have thought or imagined even existed. Now there is not a moment where I am without being thankful to God. He walks with me everywhere and I trust in Him to guide me, protect me and provide for my needs.
   Everything changed. I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from my life. I felt refreshed and confident. I began to talk with my family and I made the effort to visit more often. My work habits changed and I found myself taking on tasks and working with others. Being involved and part of a team. So much so that people told me they saw the change to me.
   My devotion to God and my love for Jesus brought tears of joy to my heart. I would never have thought that life could look so different. God blessed me with my beautiful wife, who also has a strong faith in loving Jesus.
   There is hope and your life can be happy. Step away from the heavy weighted life and let Jesus show you what real rest and rejuvenation is like. God can't wait for you to call Him Father. He wants you to stand out as His child, filled with an everlasting peace and joy. Song and praise will fill your heart. You will tell others and pray for them to receive the love of Jesus also.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and our hope in You alone.

Faithful One lyrics:
Faithful One, so unchanging. Ageless One, You're my rock of peace. Lord of all I depend on You. I call out to you, again and again. You are my rock in times of trouble. You lift me up when I fall down. All through the storm, Your love is, the anchor; my hope is in You alone.

Psalms chapter 23 verses 1-3. Living Bible paraphrased
"Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He restores my failing health. He helps me do what honors Him most."

Psalms chapter 127 verse 2.
"It is senseless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, fearing you will starve to death; for God wants His loved ones to get their proper rest."


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