My way!

Psalms chapter 16 verses 8-11.
"I am always thinking of the Lord; and because He is so near, I never need to stumble or to fall. Heart, body and soul are filled with joy. For You will not leave me among the dead; You will not allow Your beloved one to rot in the grave. You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of Your own eternal presence."

Do you follow directions when they are given? Or are you someone who adjusts them to suit your needs.
   Most of us are trusting enough to follow the directions when they are given to us. For example;  when arriving at a place we may be directed as to where we are supposed to go. Or a parking attendant may direct you to park you car.
   It is ok to look around and see the bigger picture of where you are being directed. But we also need to be considerate of others. The rules have been put in place for a reason and that is to keep people safe and allow everyone the same opportunities.
   It is when we are not considerate that we bump into attitude. It could be someone else telling us we are out of line or it could be from ourselves for failing to adhere when we should have. More examples needed? You try to get the best parking spot and end up cutting someone off or causing traffic jams. Or you step out of line to get the best viewing spot only to be disappointed or scolded. Or lets say you don't follow the directions of assembling something and end up causing more work for yourself and having others or yourself disappointed.
   We all have the habit of not following the directions when driving to a destination. The outcome is late arrival and ridicule. The list could be never ending for greed and the temptation to follow our own desires can cause troubles for us.
   To those who have patience and try their best to follow the rules, life may seem a lot easier. You may not always get what you want and others may take advantage of you, but you hold your tongue and keep your thoughts to yourself.
   God has given Jesus to us so that the old rules no longer need to hinder us but now become the direction we need to follow, where Jesus gave his life, so that we can live in the presence of God.
   The most positive thing about following direction is that all the guess work has been taken care of. God's plan is simple. Follow the direction of Jesus and you will be living in God's presence where all you want to do is abide by His direction. Once you belong to His family, you will see the world as God's creation and what a privilege it is for you to be alive in it.
   You will hear His voice and see the blessings bestowed upon you. Awesome things will happen to you and others get to experience your joy. They will know that you walk with Jesus and that your life is focused on God. So, if you want to be happy and content, then let Jesus take the wheel of your life and He will steer you along the right paths. You will be humbled and thankful that God allowed Jesus to open your eyes and you see clearly the paths, you want to walk on. No longer caring about what is behind you but focused on the wonderful brightly lit direction in which you are going.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and taking away the "me attitude" in order to follow You.

Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

Genesis chapter 22 verses 17 and 18.
"These descendants of your will conquer their enemies, and be a blessing to all the nations of the earth---all because you have obeyed Me."

John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17.
"For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn it, but to save it."


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