Knowing direction.

Philippians chapter 4 verse 12.
"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want."

How happy are you with your life? Can you say with complete confidence that right now, at this very moment that you are totally happy and satisfied with your life?
   Have you accomplished all that you would like to do? Do you feel stressed out and like each day is a never ending struggle to complete the tasks that are needed to be done? Do you worry about money or love?
   Have you ever thought about who you are trying so hard to make happy? Is it yourself or is it God? We can't stop failing health and we can't prevent ourselves from catching disease's or maybe a life changing injury. It is so hard to please ourselves because we are never satisfied with what the next moment may bring.
   Jesus tells us to leave our burdens behind and come live in a loving relationship with God our heavenly Father. God wants you to come to Him and to trust in Him to provide all your needs. Are you able to read the future or see what is about to happen next? That is very doubtful. Even if you could see what's coming you might try to control it or you may worry about the outcome.
   God is the only one who can see the big picture of our lives. He knows who will come to Him and become His children. He knows what the future holds for you. So why should you try to control your future? It only adds extra work to your already busy life. Planning is good, but ask God for His help and expect His direction.
   Be prepared by using God's word to direct your life, hold close to your church family and never give up. Pray all the time and talk with the Holy Spirit. You belong to God's family and you are not alone to deal with anything. He is there with you and He knows the stress's that daily living can bring upon us. Be patient and never loose hope. The best time you could ever have is happening right now, at this moment to you.
   No matter your work load or what ailments you may have, you are God's child. He holds you close and helps you with every step. He keeps you safe and cares about what happens to you. He loves that you are happy in life, trusting in Him and loving Him. That is how others see Him in you and that is His plan for you. You are to stand out as His. 
   Thank you Father for Jesus and the trust that comes from belonging to Your family. My joy and life are in Your hands. 😊 

1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 11.
"Run from all these evil things and work instead at what is right and good, learning to trust God and love others, and to be patient and gentle."

Proverbs chapter 19 verse 23.
Reverence for God gives life, happiness and protection from harm."

Mark chapter 14 verse 38.
Jesus told them; "Watch with Me and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. For thought the spirit is willing, the body is weak."


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