Joy starts now!

Psalms chapter 24 verses 4-6.
"Only those with pure hands and hearts, who do not practice dishonesty and lying. They will receive God's own goodness as their blessing from Him, planted in their lives by God Himself, their Savior. These are the ones who are allowed to stand before the Lord and worship the God of Jacob."

It was God who created all things. And it is a privilege to live in His Creations, to honor and worship Him. However people have found it easier to follow their own directions and deal with the consequences that arise from living like that.
   That type of living has led to heartache and sadness caused by wanting the pleasures and good things of this world. God loves each and every person. He wants them to enjoy the world He created and to look forward to eternal life with Him.
   So, God sent Jesus to be the connection between us and Him. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that people are able to come to God. God has so much love for everyone that He allowed His Son to be sacrificed for our salvation.
   Jesus returned to God and we have been left with God's Holy Spirit. Who lives with us and fills us with the righteousness of life with God. To those who hear the calling of Jesus and seek out God and His love, they are the ones who get to live in the presence of serving God now. They are the ones who look forward to eternal life in heaven with Jesus and God.
   What once was just being alive and then dying, has now become the joy of Jesus' experiences. With each person who comes to God, there is celebration. It is having our eyes opened to see the beauty and glory of God's love. It is the blessings of peace and contentment. It is the wisdom of God's  spoken word that moves us with joy through each day.
    God gives to all His children the accomplishments of working hard and the success of daily challenges, so that our happiness is found in a future life. God called you and Jesus helped you find your way. The Holy Spirit is your new life with God. He watches over us and helps us having a right life that is pleasing to God. The Holy Spirit is the one who amazes you and those around you with the blessings of God.
   If you wait to accept Jesus into your life than you will be missing out on a life that will blow your mind away. Get all that you can from God now and look forward to eternal life with Him. You won't be able to contain what you experience and others will know that your joy is from Jesus.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and the eternal praise and worship that we give now and forever.😊

Psalms chapter 51 verse 10.
"Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires."

Hebrews chapter 13 verse 20.
"And now may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with all you need for doing His will."

1 John chapter 5 verse 20.
"And we know that Christ, God's Son, has come to help us understand and find the true God. And now we are in God because we are in Jesus Christ His Son, who is the only true God; and He is eternal life."           


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