His word.

Hebrews chapter 6 verse 12.
"Then, knowing what lies ahead for you, you won't be bored with being a Christian, nor become spiritually dull and indifferent, but you will be anxious to follow the example of those who receive all that God has promised them because of their strong faith and patience."

It is very hard not to be excited all the time about God and what Jesus has done for you. God is always making sure you know that He is there. And you are always aware of God's presence.
   Before you came to life with God, you knew only bits and pieces of what God was about. Maybe you had heard of others speaking about Him. You must be aware that there are churches and that people go there to do something. Maybe someone has knocked on your door and they have tried to talk with you about God. Maybe you have heard of Jesus and have a hard time believing in His teachings.
   When we are young, it is easy to accept new concepts and to follow what others are saying. As we grow older, we gain the experiences of life. Which can cause heartache and bitterness. Aged life can  definitely leave you with some questions. Dealing with death is one. Failed relationships or lack of confidence can leave people bewildered and lost.
   Can you remember the first time you came to Christ? Maybe it was later in life, after having experienced never ending trials and errors. Do you remember at first how you were skeptical and unsure if this was the right choice to make. How you only read God's word and spoke briefly with Him in privacy.
   And as time developed, you realized that He is real and not a figment of others imagination. In fact you realized that He watches over His children all the time. Night and day, and He is everywhere you go. So, why had you not seen Him before? And how is knowing this changing you now?
   It is like there are two worlds. The one where people are blinded to God and the other where people are seeing God and living with Him. You once belonged to the world of self direction and it led you to struggle with temptations and greed. Maybe you were happy there and did not have any thoughts that there were any other ways of living.
   There may be a day when your hear your thoughts suggest seeking Jesus. And through the reading of God's word you discover that Jesus was sent to be the Savior of all people. He offers God's plan to all who want to follow Him. Now your curiosity leads to excitement and you understand forgiveness. You see the world differently. There's a beauty and peace in knowing that God is there. There is a joy of love and thankfulness for Jesus.
   God has touched your heart and your new life has set you on a path of living with Him. Everyday you read His word, growing strong in His protection and you prepare yourself with the knowledge needed to share Jesus with others. You have come to the realization that God is real and Jesus is His Son and that every promise of God fills your days with love and joy.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and Your written word. You are the Light unto our paths that makes our way clear to see.😊   

Psalms chapter 119 verses 105 and 106.
"Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me, and keep me from stumbling. I've said it once and I'll say it again and again: I will obey these wonderful laws of Yours."

John chapter 9 verse 25.
"I don't know whether He is good or bad" the man replied, "but I know this: I was blind but now I see."

1 John chapter 1 verses 5-7.
"This is the message God has given us to pass onto you: that God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. So if we say we are His friends, but go on living in spiritual darkness and sin, we are lying. But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ does, then we have wonderful fellowship and joy with each other, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin."       


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