The right road

Isaiah chapter 35 verses 8-10.
"And a main road will go through that once-deserted land; it will be named "The Holy Highway." No evil-hearted men may walk upon it. God will walk there with you; even the most stupid cannot miss the way. No lion will lurk along its course, nor will there be any dangers; only the redeemed will travel there. These, the ransomed of the Lord, will go home along that road to Zion, singing the songs of everlasting joy. For them all sorrow and all sighing will be gone forever; only joy and gladness will be there."

The road spoken about above is our lives. We can choose to walk on that road with God or continue to wander aimlessly in the wilderness without Him.
   God created the roadway when He sent Jesus to show us how to find it and how to stay on it. It is God's road and there is no deviating from it's path. You are either on it or you are not. Only those who have found the way can walk upon that road and it is only those who walk upon that road that have no other desire to be anywhere else.
   The world that surrounds that road is filled with confused and misguided people. They seek all sorts of guidance from all sorts of man made idols. They are looking for peace and contentment, but always are lured to the blinking lights. They make wrong decisions that end up having long lasting affects and those decisions that were made, may never heal or they may even change how others are treated forever.
   The road with God is brightly lit. It is meant to be seen by everyone and if you have never seen it, then it can be easily found by someone showing you where it is. All are welcome to come walk along that road. Once you start walking there you will feel your burdens lifted. Like the verse says; "All sighing will be gone forever."  You will be filled with a joy that you have always longed for and wonder how you could have never seen this before!
   There is dancing and happiness and Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit. You are hugged and loved. You are home, content and at peace. The world is still all around you and you want so much for everyone to come and walk upon that same road. You can see the sadness and the roller coaster of emotions people are dealing with. You were there and want so much to help them find their way and  to show them Jesus.
    You can't force people to hear what you are trying to tell them. You did not see the road before and so you understand why they are lost. It is by being involved and caring that gives you the opportunities to talk about Jesus. It is through your example that others may find their way.
   It is your singing and the joy you are feeling, it is your contentment and willingness to serve God that will give others the ability to see that road. Have patience, talk to God about those you love and care for. Ask for the right words to speak and be helpful, interested in others and what their lives are all about.
   You once were tempted and enjoyed following after the drink and folly. Maybe you ran into hard times. Maybe you fell so low that you can't get the energy to face a day. Maybe relationships caused pain and confusion. Maybe your health is failing you, with so much yet to enjoy. But no longer, you are walking on that road with God. Where you are loved and supported. You can face any issues because you work hard to keep yourself walking with Jesus. There is no other place you want to be all the blinking lights have been left behind and the road ahead is clearly marked. You are walking through life with Jesus. God loves you and His Holy Spirit surrounds you with His joy.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and helping us see clearly where we should be. With You!😊

Amos chapter 5 verse 14.
"Seek good, not evil, so that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say He is."

Isaiah chapter 40 verses 3-5.
"Listen! I hear the voice of someone shouting, Make a road for the Lord through the wilderness; make Him a straight, smooth road through the desert. Fill the valleys; level the hills; straighten out the crooked paths and smooth off the rough spots in the road. The glory of the Lord will be seen by all mankind together."

Proverbs chapter 14 verse 16.
"A wise man is cautious and avoids danger, a fool plunges ahead with great confidence."



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