The privilege!
1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 2.
"So that we can live in peace and quietness, spending our time in godly living and thinking much about the Lord."
There are days when you have plans made and you are excited for what the day is going to bring.
It does not take much for our senses to be aroused. It could be the exam that you have studied so hard for and now the time is here. It could be your child's time to leave the nest, as they start out on their own. It could be the purchase of the long awaited car or trailer. It could be the planed vacation. It could be your child's wedding or as simple as a day of rest away from the hustle and bustle of life.
There are many reasons why our energy level increases, but lets just say it happened because it was sparked by something we are interested in. When there is something we want to do then we will work hard with enthusiasm to be successful.
Those are the days when everything seems to be going your way. You are focused, feeling good about the day. Even the hiccups of the daily routine seem to brush right by you. You have a purpose that has brought meaning to your life.
Wouldn't it be nice if everyday could be like that? Where you enjoy your job, love your spouse and family and are content with accepting life as it is. Where age does not matter and you make the best of each and every moment.
God wants us to know through Jesus we can find the peace and love that we need. God wants to hear your worries and frustrations. He wants you to come and trust in Him to take your burdens, so that your mind is clear of worry and filled with thankfulness. There is no hidden agenda, just the offer of a forever Father who will care and love you, as He does Jesus.
You won't be left hanging or wondering anymore what the day is going to bring. For each and everyday is a day that the Lord has made. And You are involved. No matter what you do or where you go You can always count on God being with you. You can talk to Him any time you like, His Holy Spirit is His joy that you are trusting and loving the life He is providing for you.
Now that leaves you open to sharing Jesus with others. They will see Him in you and you will want to share Him. It is your joy, for the happiness of God's love, that makes you stand out different from others. God's blessings are touching your life with an explosion of success, confidence, good thoughts and right speaking. You belong to God's family now and forever.
Thank you Father for Jesus and helping us find our purpose with You. 😊
Ephesians chapter 3 verse 12.
"Now we can come fearlessly right into God's presence, assured of His glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in Him."
Proverbs chapter 25 verses 21 and 22.
"If your enemy is hungry, give him food! If he is thirsty, give him something to drink! This will make him feel ashamed of himself, and God will reward you>"
1 peter chapter 4 verse 16.
"Praise God for the privilege of being in Christ's family and being called by His wonderful name!"
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