Or is it?
John chapter 15 verse 22.
Jesus told them; "They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoken to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin."
If Jesus had not come into the world would people know of God?
I think God would be known and that He would still work through people to prove His existence. Jesus made people aware of their sins and God's wonderful plan of forgiveness. So, thank-you Father for Jesus.
It is because of what Jesus did that has given people the curiosity to know more about the choices being offered. Jesus is not forcing Himself on anyone. God does not say you must follow me. It is a choice we can make. And that choice became available because of God's love and the sacrifices Jesus made.
Today is no different than the day when Jesus went around and shared His ministry. People are still confused and feel threatened when their ways of living are challenged. It is easier to continue in the life style you are used to, than it is to change. Or is it?
That is what Jesus' ministry is about. Jesus spoke the obvious. Look around and you will see the wonderful world God created. Listen to what the Scriptures speak and know that Jesus is God's Son who came to show us a better life can be had with God.
Life can create anxieties and troubles for us. And trying to leap over or get around the hustle and bustle of life can be exhausting. Leaving us vulnerable to heartache. Jesus wants you to know that God wants you to look to Him for guidance, trusting in Him to keep you walking the paths of righteousness.
The outcome is joy and the peace that comes with being content. This is no lie or trick to deceive anyone in any way. It is the truth about having an opportunity for a life where you can trust in what God is offering. It truly is a new start where you can heal from wounds and find everlasting peace. It is something that you will want to do. It is the place where you will never leave. It is everlasting joy and love with God, knowing Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit.
There are many ways to find out about God. If the timing is right for you, Jesus will give you the assurance you need and encourage you through your feelings and other believers. You will have the best support system available because starting over, by letting go of what you have been so accustomed to, is the path that Jesus will help you walk upon. Be strong and achieve the long deserved rest and enjoyment that life is meant to be.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the direction to life with You. 😊
Galatians chapter 5 verse 16.
"Obey only the Holy Spirit's instructions. He will tell you where to go and what to do, then you won't always be doing the wrong things your evil nature wants you to."
1 Timothy chapter 6 verses 11 and 12.
"Run from all these evil things and work instead at what is right and good, learning to trust Him and love others, and to be patient and gentle. Fight for God. Hold tightly to the eternal life which God has given you, and which you have confessed with such a ringing confession before many witnesses."
Isaiah chapter 26 verse 19.
"Yet we have this assurance; Those who belong to God shall live again. Their bodies shall rise again! Those who dwell in the dust shall awake and sing for joy! For God's light of life will fall like dew upon them!"
(This verse not only talks about eternal life, but also represents leaving our old ways and coming to have a life with God.)
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