
James chapter 3 verse 5.
"So also the tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do." 

It only takes one sarcastic remark interpreted the wrong way to cause repercussions. When we talk face to face to someone they can see our body language and interpret what we are expressing. When we talk on the phone to someone they can hear our voices tones which can also help in getting your point across the way you want it to. 
   The computer has become a huge way to communicate with others. The problem with this type of communication is how easily it is for our words to be misjudged. There is no looking at the person and there is no hearing of the persons voice tones. So, what we write has to be taken at face value. The problem with that is everyone is different and we all interpret things differently. 
   What you think is funny may not be to someone else. Our quick comments may have the one you are talking to laughing, but someone in the background may be put out by what was said. Close friendships are hard to find and it is that giving and loving caring attitude that allows people to quickly forgive or even ignore the wrong things that can get blurted out.
    People who are close to each other might correct what someone said, helping them to learn compassion.We won't always get spoken words right. It would be nice if we would not say things that hurt others but it does happen and when it does we need to correct it right away. We can apologize or come back with a quick retort that softens what was said. You might have to step away and let situations rest awhile before making amends. Spoken words can even hurt for years and there may never be reconciliation.
   The thing to remember is that the spoken word comes from the heart and sometime silly stupid things get said. So guard closely what you say. No one wants to intentionally cause heartache and if they do, then they are not worthy of being around.
   God knows how easy it is for people to get themselves into wrong situations. Through Jesus we can come to have a life with God where He will watch over us and help us to speak the right words at the right time that will be helpful, loving and kind. Even humor can be spoken in such a way as to not offend anyone and still cause a good belly laugh.
   A life with God is focused on Him, where we study His word and are prepared to be kind, understanding and wise to the things we do and say. That is why life with Jesus is so wonderful and why others around you find life with you so easy to get along with. It is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit working through you that gives you a life of peace and joy.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and Your loving heart that helps us have the patience we need to see and watch closely what we speak, how we act and focus on bringing glory to You. 😊

James chapter 3 verse 17. 
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous."

Luke chapter 6 verse 45.
"A good man produces good deeds from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech."

Proverbs chapter 10 verse 19.
"Don't talk so much. You keep putting your foot in your mouth. Be sensible and turn off the flow."


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