His Light
2 Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18.
"But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him."
How do you see the glory of the Lord? When you look down the path of your life, do you see the light at the end of the tunnel or do you see the light shining brightly all around you?
Do you trust God, that Jesus has been sent to find and guide each of us into a life with Him? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit, is Jesus, with you now and always?
It is so easy to get distracted. All around us are life's issues that we have to deal with, no one else is going to have to deal with the problems that we have created. So they drag us down, making us sad and blinded to Jesus, who is standing there with His loving arms around you.
You know He is there, but your burdens are stronger. Your thoughts keep focused on "what am I going to do?" and "how I so long to have peace." You pray and ask for guidance. Maybe you come up with a plan and try to follow through with it, but then something else comes up that drags you back in. You are trying so hard to want to be free from the worries and concerns, that you are not allowing Jesus to help you.
There must be a quick fix, but all the time and effort that you are putting into looking has only held you back from taking a path and holding faithfully and truthfully to it. Gaining confidence from seeing the results that you have searched for.
What does Jesus do for you? He lets you know that you are following the right paths with Him. As you move forward you grow stronger in your faith through seeing the results of walking with Jesus.
You are constantly calling out to Him. You are talking to Him about the paths that you are on, and gaining strength to move forward from Him. No issue is to small or to big. Your hope lies in Jesus and how thankful you are to God. Your songs of praise show how you feel. Your life changes are seen by others because you are now reflecting the glory of God. Your heart is filled with thankfulness and joy.
You have seen, that the light is not just at the end of the path, but that it is all around you. Separating you from your old ways of living and the wonderful new steps that you are taking with the Holy Spirit. God sent Jesus to be that love in your life that brightly shines His love for you. Hold on tightly to the word of God and Jesus will be that hope that you have longed for. All your dreams will come true, for God wants you to give Him the glory, as you are faithfully thankful to Jesus for helping you find your way.
Thank you Father for Jesus and helping us see the glorious light that guides us to life with You. 😊
John chapter 14 verse 19.
Jesus told them, "In just a little while I will be gone from this world, but I will still be present with you."
Proverbs chapter 14 verse 26.
"Reverence for God gives a man deep strength; His children have a place of refuge and security."
Joshua chapter 21 verses 44 and 45.
"And the Lord gave them peace, just as He had promised, and no one could stand against them; the Lord helped them destroy all their enemies. Every good thing the Lord had promised them came true."
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