True happiness

Galatians chapter 2 verse 19.
"For it was through reading the Scripture that I came to realize that I could never find God's favor by trying---and failing---to obey the laws. I came to realize that acceptance with God comes by believing in Christ."

Are you happy? I mean truly content and happy?
   Our wants and desires pull at us all the time. 24 hours and day we struggle with planning how to get what we want. It causes us such grief to work so hard at paying down our debts and yet continue to get what we think is satisfaction out of getting our desires fulfilled.
   Only to find the desire we worked so hard to get came and went and was so quickly forgotten about. Now we want something else and we have not paid back what we borrowed to get what is no longer a major concern.
   It can affect our health and self-esteem. We are saddened by no longer being able to get our wants and dreams fulfilled because we foolishly allowed ourselves to follow after greed and ignore wisdom. So, is all lost? Should I just continue on the road of destruction? I don't care about others and what they think, I am getting what I want and that is all that matters! Life is too short not to enjoy the good things of this world. I work hard for my money and I should be able to get want I want, when I want.
   It will all come to an end when you have reached my limit and everything that was so easy to get is taken away. You are hurting others. Your lack of happiness affects all those around you. Respect and love is earned and looked favorably upon by the ones who are the closest to you.
   All around you is the answer. Are you letting yourself hear what you so long to get? God sent Jesus to show us that following after our own desires leads to failure and heartache. Do you want to be happy and content? Then trust in God and follow closely to life with Jesus. Immerse yourself in God's word. Get to know Jesus and walk with Him daily. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Listen to His nudging and believe that you are being led down the right paths.
   Your confidence will grow. Your happiness will explode. Others will want to be around you because you are enjoyable and live with common sense. You are trusting in God to provide. Your joy is in God's provision. You will wonder, "how can all this goodness be around me?" "How could I never have seen this before?"
    You are no longer following your own desires but the desires of Jesus to serve and focus on a life where God, our Father, is pleased with you and how you live. He knows what you want, He knows your dreams, so trust in Him to provide for you.
   Work hard at letting go of your old ways and step into the new life with Jesus. You will walk with Him and be guided by the Holy Spirit and where the light of God will be shinning upon you with such brilliance that you yourself will be amazed by the warmth and comfort you feel.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and Your wonderful saving grace. 😊 

Galatians chapter 2 verse 20.
"I have been crucified with Christ; and I myself no longer live, but Christ live in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Proverbs chapter 12 verse 14.
Telling the truth gives an man great satisfaction, and hard work returns many blessings to him."

Psalms chapter 27 verse 14.
"Don't be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and He will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted and courageous. Yes, wait and He will help you."


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