A good belly laugh!

Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
"I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power."

Do you like a good belly laugh? They are good for the soul and they can be triggered in many ways. I guess, the main cause is being in the right place at the right time with the right circumstances. It could be something someone said or maybe an action that some did. It could also be caused by the overwhelming joy of being amazed at something that just happened which you never saw coming.
   Hearing a good joke is cause for laughter. Observing the actions of someone else or maybe even yourself can evoke a good laugh. But when we are touched by overwhelming joy, that can result in laughter that comes from love. An astonishment that gives you warm itchy, gooey feelings of questioning what just happened!
   You may begin to cry at the same time as laughing. It takes all that you have to control yourself. You may try to hide what you are feeling. You may try to stifle what is so longing to explode out of you.
   God created everything. Jesus was with Him and is in fact the one who did all the creating. The Holy Spirit is Jesus, alive inside us. Living with us everyday. Jesus said, He would never leave us and that He would leave us with the "Comforter." God's Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that lived with Him.
   It is not really confusing. God the Father sent Jesus to show people His forgiveness and love. Then Jesus had to die in order for our sins to be forever forgiven. Through Jesus we can come to have a life in the family of God. And that is when the Holy Spirit starts to show Himself through you.
   The Holy Spirit can be serious and yet He can also astonish us with amazing miracles that can leave us awed by the love of God. When we pray to God or Jesus, the Holy Spirit is the one who takes our prayers and delivers our message so that we are understood and heard by God.
   It is the same Holy Spirit that is there to nudge us when need protection is required. He is also the one who gives us the right words to speak that leaves you wondering how such wonderful wisdom could have come from you.
   The Holy Spirit loves to see you living with Him. He loves that you are working so hard to focus on God and how much you love Jesus. Your new life is totally different from how you used to live and now you can clearly see how others are missing what you now have.
   Each day is now filled with new and interesting adventures. The people you meet and the stories you get to hear. The opportunities to share Jesus and the amazing blessings of god in all you do. You can't help but laugh with joy. Thankful for the life ahead of you, finally at peace with everything.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and the amazing experiences and adventures You bring to us. 😊

John chapter 15 verse 11.
Jesus replied; "I have told you this so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your cup of joy will overflow!

2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 13.
"Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, God remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out His promises to us."

Proverbs chapter 24 verses 13 and 14.
"My son, honey whets the appetite, and so does wisdom! When you enjoy becoming wise, there is hope for you! A bright future lies ahead!   


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