Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 2.
"Do you remember how the Lord led you through the wilderness for all those forty years, humbling you and testing you to find out how you would respond and whether or not you would really obey Him?"
Our wilderness, is where we have wandered all these years without trusting in God or even acknowledging Him as being there.
We want so much to know peace and happiness but, we are so hard to please. Always searching and never satisfied. It is like being caught up in a strong wind that blows us from one thing to the next never leaving us in one place for too long. Or like the fliers we receive and the advertisements we see that entice us to buy this or that. There will always be that one item that we think we need, but it quickly ends up unused, tucked away or sold.
God has always known that we look in the wrong places for satisfaction. He tells us to stop looking all around Him for that peace, but to look at what is right in front of you. He is the peace we seek. He sent Jesus to make the way easier for us to understand.
People held close to God at one time, maybe because they needed Him to provide for them. But as time went on, people provided for themselves and fell away from trusting in God. They would rather struggle to get the things they want, rather than trust in God to provide for them.
He has always warned people to hold close to Him and to not forget Him when the comforts of life seem to give you all that you need. People have even gotten so caught up in their stuff, that they have forgotten God totally. They have grown up not being told about Him or Jesus or even knowing the love of the Holy Spirit. And if they do hear about God then they become afraid of having to let go of all they have worked so hard to get and enjoy. They become defensive and argumentative!
Look around, what do you see? The waters that you get to enjoy a cool breeze from? The trees that build our homes and protect the nature? The stars at night as we gather around the camp fire? They did not just happen, they are gift from God that we have been enjoying all along. That alone is worth giving thanks for, but God is much more than that. He is our Savior, He sent Jesus.
We create a lot of worries, that drain us physically and emotionally. Let God, your Father take care of you. He has always been there, and always will be. That is His promise.
Once you start to spend time with Him, you will never want to leave. The Holy Spirit is God's joy, that you have come to Him and it is that same joy that He fills you with. It is honor and respect. It is gratitude and love. You enjoy every minute of life with God and others experience your happiness.
Let go of what you want and let Jesus bring you to love and trust in God, who will provide way more than you can ever imagine. A never ending smile and peace.
Thank you Father for Jesus and your wonderful patience. We have wandered for too long, thank you for welcoming us home. 😊
Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 20.
"To enjoy your work and to accept your lot in life---that is indeed a gift from God. The person who does that will not need to look back with sorrow on his past, for God gives him joy."
Proverbs chapter 3 verses 21-26.
"Have two goals: wisdom---that is, knowing and doing right---and common sense. Don't let them slip away, for they fill you with living energy and are a feather in your cap. They keep you safe from defeat and disaster and from stumbling off the trail. With them on guard you can sleep without fear; you need not be afraid of disaster or the plots of wicked men, for the Lord is with you; He protects you."
Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8.
"For though once your heart was full of darkness, now it is full of light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it!"
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