Psalms chapter 55 verses 12-14.
"It was not an enemy who taunted me---then I could have borne it; I could have hidden and escaped. But it was you, a man like myself, my companion and my friend. What fellowship we had, what wonderful discussions as we walked together in the temple of the Lord on holy days."
To walk with God is a constant battle between your emotions and those who find themselves questioning their own beliefs. Satan does not want us to walk with God. He wants us to be living the way we think, unaware of the glorious Light of Jesus.
Do you remember the days of your youth, when you wandered aimlessly doing whatever you thought was cool and not caring about the outcome? You were young and naive to the ways of the world even though you thought you new everything about everything.
Do you remember the time when you came to the point of losing it? When all that you had done in life had come to a head? The hurts you had caused. The struggle to get any sense of self-esteem. The mountain of debt and the loneliness.
Do you remember praying to God and asking for His help? And how amazed you were, that with small steps, Jesus lifted you up out of your troubles and placed you on solid ground? Do you remember how thankful you were and how grateful you had become. So filled with love and joy. You shone out as someone who had the burdens of life lifted from their shoulders.
Even with your focus on God and working hard to constantly read the bible, attend church, live with other believers, to attend weekly small groups and to sing songs of praise---there is still a never ending battle with Satin. He hates seeing us with God and walking with Jesus.
So what do you do when circumstances change? All is going good and then an unexpected death happens or someone close to you startles you with their actions. You know God is there, but stuff is happening that seems to be devastating, even life changing.
All the good times and great conversations, suddenly taken away. The causes bewilder you and leaves you feeling confused. Why did this have to happen? Your prayers do not seem to be helping. You have trusted God for years and think your life is blessed by Him. So why are these things happening?
The answer is in the bible. It is in your trust in God, your Father, to not leave your side. Maybe you can remember all the other times where He has been there with you and brought you through, where you were thankful that He was there. You have to keep your focus on Him. Pray for the circumstances to be a useful tool where God is seen. Where someone's heart is touched by the love of Jesus. And then keep on praying. Never give up. Gain encouragement from other believers and let God use you to grow further in the joy of life with Him.
Hold onto your memories and hopes. God will always hold close to you and will never, never fail you.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for never leaving us. Thank you for listening and loving us. Thank you!! 😊
Revelation chapter 21 verses 25-27.
"Heavens gates never close; they stay open all day long---and there is no night! And the glory and honor of all the nations shall be brought into it. Nothing evil will be permitted in it---no one immoral or dishonest---but only those whose names are written in the lamb's book of Life."
Psalms chapter 37 verse 34.
"Do not be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you with every blessing, and you will see the wicked destroyed."
Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 29.
"But you will also begin to search again for Jehovah your God, and you shall find Him when you search with all your hearts and souls."
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