Lost but Found
Proverbs chapter 22 verses 17-19.
"Listen to this wise advice; follow it closely, for it will do you good, and you can pass it on to others: Trust in the Lord."
It is so easy to get caught up in the bling of the world. We get trained in something that will allow us to have a job and provide. Anything after that is about us.
It is hard to listen and to have sensibility when young for there is so much to be experienced. It is easier to follow after those who are your age then to listen to the warnings and advice of older people.
Love is usually the reason people want to help others along their way. They care and want to see you succeed rather than struggle. No matter what you are going through it has been experienced before by someone and there is guidance and answers available to help. It is up to you to reach out and grab what you need to keep you moving forward confident in having a good happy life.
The key to all of this is "Love." Others may care and want to help you, but you need to want their help. You need to love your life and where it is going. It is easy to drown out your struggles in a bar or the haze of drugs. But that leaves you weak and groggy unable to give your best focus.
From early on, we learn that time comes and goes by quickly. Are you looking towards your future? Are you happy with the way your life is going? Only you are the one who can direct where you are going! Or is it?
What if I told you that you have always had a direction and there is someone who loves you very deeply and wants to see you succeed. What is even better, is that He is powerful and can do for you what you find so hard to overcome. God sent Jesus to show you, your way home.
You may have gone all this time knowing about God and maybe following after your own directions. How has that done you so far? A lot of people struggle with believing in God, but what if those whom you have listened to are wrong? What if your opinion is faltered?
There is a loving Father who wants the best for you and He just happens to be the Creator of everything you know and see. Try talking to Him. Pick up the bible and learn about His love. Get to know Jesus. The world as you thought is was, is not really that at all, it is God's world and you are His child.
From the toughest of issues that haunt you to the speaking of kind encouraging words, God is with you. What once would distract you and lead you away from God, is now no longer an interest. You love the life you have with God and the way He loves and cares for you. Trust in the Lord. You will be a new and different person filled with the joy of the life God has given to you.
Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you for sending Jesus so that I could hear His voice calling and find my way to you. 😊
Proverbs chapter 24 verses 13 and 14.
"My son, honey whets the appetite, and so does wisdom! When you enjoy becoming wise, there is hope for you! A bright future lies ahead!
John chapter 7 verses 27-29.
"But how could He be? For we know where this man was born; when Christ comes, He will just appear and no one will know where He comes from."
So Jesus, in a sermon in the temple, called out, "Yes, you know me and where I was born and raised, but I am the representative of the one you don't know, and He is Truth. I know Him because I was with Him and He sent Me to you."
James chapter 1 verse 5.
"If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; He will not resent it."
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