Just believe.

Psalms chapter 37 verse 37.
'But the good man---what a different story! For the good man---the blameless, the upright, the man of peace---he has a wonderful future ahead of him. For him there is a happy ending."

What does your story look like? Have you been going into the wrong places and then working as hard as you can to get out? Then doing it all over again?
   Maybe you think happiness can be found in the places you are looking but always end up disappointed. Maybe you feel that there is no hope and that you have to accept life with all it's crap. It does not have to be that way. Jesus is the way!
   Maybe you think that your life is not so bad. You have a good job and you have friends that you can socialize with and a bit of respect. You get to enjoy all sorts of things. You get to go to places and like talking with people. So what is wrong with that? Are you happy? Are you content? Do you live in peace?
   Are you someone who holds secrets? Do you think that you are a trusted person? Do people like you? Do you like yourself? All these questions make it hard to keep a balanced life without causing ourselves or others hurt.
   Jesus never faltered from His beliefs. He was always consistent in speaking about God as His Father. He spoke with authority. He knew He was the Messiah and what His purpose is. Just as you know your parents and the things you have accomplished and the places you have been. They have happened and so you can talk about them because no one can change what you already know.
   Keeping busy is not the answer. Having purpose and focus on something is good, but you have to be rested, refreshed and content with all moments, not just when busy, but when quiet also.  It is not easy to shut off the mind and all the thoughts that enter it. You can work hard to sweep out the wrong thoughts and replacing them with thoughts of serving and love helps with peace.
   Jesus spoke of God always. He never lost focus of Him. He has invited all people to come to have that same focus where trusting in God will lead to serving Him and not what we want. He knows the desires and battles we struggle with and by keeping our eye's on Him, we are gently led in peaceful living. It is not necessary to be restless, you can be happy without the busyness and the anxieties of  what is going to come next.
   Jesus was tempted by the most wanting of desires and He held fast to God's word, never faltering for His beliefs. God blessed Him with protection which made Him feel loved and content with His decisions. He was at rest and at peace. God gives that same protection and love to all people who come to know Jesus.
    Thank you Father for Jesus and giving us a place to call home. 😊

Acts chapter 16 verses 25 and 26.
"Around midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to the Lord---and the other prisoners were listening---suddenly there was a great earthquake; the prison was shaken to it's foundations, all the doors flew open---and the chains of every prisoner fell off!

Acts chapter 16 verse 31.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, and your entire household."

Psalms chapter 37 verse 34.
"Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season he will honor you with every blessing."



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