
1 John chapter 3 verse 2.
"Yes, dear friends, we are already God's children, right now, and we can't even imagine what it is going to be like later on. But we do know this, that when He comes we will be like Him, as a result of seeing Him as He really is."

Isn't the above statement, why we seek out Jesus? There is a hope that someday we will be in His presence. So, we strive to live a life that is pleasing to God. We work hard to know Jesus and to live a life that is like His.
   There is so much temptation around us that, to us, it seems like normal everyday living. Maybe we are aware of how we live and don't care about others and what they think. Maybe we are aware of Jesus and don't care about what He thinks either. So sad!
   God only wants what is best for us and that is why He sent Jesus. So that we would know that He is God's Son and that through Him God is offering us a life of peace now followed by an eternal life to come. Wow!
   So if there is even the smallest of hope for a peaceful life and maybe an everlasting life would you not want to work hard to know more about how that is possible? Just like any new project that we take on, the more we work at learning the better we become at achieving what we want to do.
   And so it is with God. The more you read His word, the more aware you are of what God's love is about. Slowly your heart softens and you discover the wonderful love of Jesus. You become thankful, to the point of singing songs of praise and worship.
   You start to see the world around you, as His. For the first time in your life you are amazed at how powerful God really is. And you are thankful for Jesus and your ability to share in His glory.
   Jesus also loved people. And He calls us to love them also. The great thing about interactions with others are the stories we learn about. Being interested in what others have to say is an awesome way to share Jesus. If they already know about Jesus then your conversation will be fulfilling and humbled. If they do not know Jesus then it is your opportunity to give someone the chance for new beginnings and the needed rest they have so longed for.
   You just never know how God will bring blessings to you. It is a joy that will be with you forever as the Holy Spirit lets you know of God's presence.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and opening our eyes to Your wonderful glory. 😊 

Proverbs chapter 12 verse 15.
"A fool thinks he needs no advice, but a wise man listens to others."

Matthew chapter 23 verses 11 and 12.
Jesus told them; "The more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. To be the greatest, be a servant. But to those who think themselves great shall be disappointed and humbled; and those who humble themselves shall be exalted." 

Mark chapter 12 verses 30 and 31.
Jesus replied; " You must love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. The second is: You must love others as much as yourself. No other commandments are greater then these." 


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