Open minded.

1 Kings chapter 17 verse 13.
But Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid! Go ahead and cook that 'last meal,' but bake me a little loaf of bread first; and afterwards there will be enough food for you and your son."

It take a lot to give out something to a total stranger, especially if it is our last meal. And she did not hesitate to tell him how she felt about doing that. Yet she did it anyway, because He asked her to do it and she was filled with the want to serve God.
   In Exodus chapter 3, God spoke to Moses, through a burning bush that did not burn up. He asked Him to go before the King of Egypt and demand that he release all the slaves that he uses for maintaining his country. Moses, an average everyday guy who happened to cross paths with a burning bush that spoke to him. He did not hesitate to speak back, saying I am not the one to do this job.
   I wonder how many people struggle with God's requests to come live with Him through His Son Jesus. God promises to take care of us just as He had done to so many others through out history. It is a proven fact that God has touched the hearts and lives of people, so why is it so hard to accept His offers?
   I felt a drawing to God and as I picked up the bible to learn more, I too struggled with what I was learning. The outcome was something I could not have foreseen. I was not able to go to a store and purchase what God is offering. I was not able to demand that God give me His love and blessings. Yet there must be something to letting our guard down and giving in to the promises of God.
    Just like the testimonies of so many others, I came to God and asked for His help. What I found was a healing and love that can only be gotten by trusting in God to do what He says He will do. He does not force His love on us. He does not just freely give healing power and blessings to those who demand it, but knows that it is through love that people trust. 
   It is proven that we treat those who we care about better than acquaintances or strangers. Love does not have to be called out. It is seen in whom we trust and care about. Some people are way better at expressing love than others.
   God wants us to have a relationship with Him and that takes time to develop. It is by faith that we step out in getting to know someone. They intrigue us and arouse our senses. It is when we see how much we are loved and cared about that we return the same feelings.
   So the next time you are nudged by God, don't push Him away. He wants what is best for you and it is through Him that your light will shine. God sent Jesus to show us what an amazing love God has for all people. It is the Light of Jesus that will fill your heart with a love for God.
   Living in the Light is an expression used, to explain the overwhelming joy that has come into your life and all because you took a chance to get to know God. Life without God is missing out on the best life changing experience that anyone could ever have.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and allowing us to share in the wonderful glow of his love for you. 😊

Exodus chapter 3 verse 2.
 When Moses saw that the bush was on fire and that it did not burn up, he went over to investigate. Then God called out to him, "Moses! Moses!"
"Who is it" Moses asked.

John chapter 15 verse 16.
Jesus replied, "You did not choose me! I chose you!"

Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1.
What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead." 


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