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John chapter 10 verses 25-27.
"I have already told you , and you do not believe Me," Jesus replied. "The proof is in the miracles I do in the name of My Father. But you do not believe Me because you are not part of My flock. My sheep recognize My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

Opinions are formed because you feel that you have something to say about the subject being discussed. Some opinions are helpful and others we should just keep to ourselves because they are not helpful to the situation.
   That is where we need to be trusting in God. The bible talks about the words that come out of our mouth. They can be hurtful words or they can be words that bless. In Romans chapter 7, Paul tells about wanting to live a life that is pleasing to God, but our minds are under constant temptation to do the wrong things. It is a fight to think properly and to control what we speak.
   The religious leaders of Jesus' time did not understand what Jesus was saying because they could not believe that change could happen. Even when the Scriptures had predicted the coming of Jesus. So, to them, Jesus was a threat to the very ways of society and it's values. God knew this and that is why Jesus accepted the task of doing God's will. That through Him people would know that salvation can be had.
   How wonderful it is that we know the whole story now and can come to God through Jesus. That the joy Jesus felt for people who followed Him is available today and forever. It is sad the way Jesus had to suffer and die but He did rise from the grave on the third day, just as He promised.
   To let go of addictions and of life's heartaches caused by emotions and greed is not easy and it is the suffering of healing that hurts the most. Jesus is there, to take you through the difficult times and to see you come clearly into the Light of life with God. Where you can live free from the worries and anxieties caused by the never ending roller coaster ride of life.
   Maybe you have heard the small voice that is nudging you towards Jesus. If you have, follow it, He has been watching over you and has called you to come home. It is the voice of happiness, who you feel protected and comforted in. You will never look back, for He has found you and brought you to God's house, where you will forever live, with God.
   Thank you Father for Jesus. Thank you Jesus for doing God's will and making the way clear for us to find our way to You.😊 

Romans chapter 7 verse 25.
"Oh, what a terrible predicament I am in! Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has set me free."

James chapter 3 verse 10.
"And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Dear brothers, surely this is not right!"

Luke chapter 22 verse 42.
Jesus knelt and spoke this prayer. "Father, if You are willing, please take away this cup of horror from Me. But I want Your will, not Mine." The an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him.


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