
Matthew chapter 28 verses 5 and 6.
Then the angel spoke to the women. "Don't be frightened!" he said. "I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified, but He is not here! For He has come back to life again, just as He said He would. Come in and see where His body was lying...."

What do you think they thought when the angel of the Lord said to them that Jesus had risen from the dead?
   We know the story of His rising from the dead and that He was seen by all sorts of people over a period of time before He ascended into heaven. We know that rising from the dead is not something that happens everyday. And if someone does come back to life we rejoice at a miracle that was a blessing from God.
    Being reborn into a new life is what Jesus says happens when we let go of our old ways of living and start walking in the Light of God. Living with God is trusting in Him to be our Father, who we depend on to guide us and protect us. That is different from trusting in ourselves. It is by the rising from the dead---that Jesus did---that we can rise to have a life with God.
   Let me ask you about the life you having been living without God in it. Do you struggle with addictions, or lusting? Do you struggle with relationships or finances? Maybe it is your health, maybe your anxieties at times can be too unbearable to face people and you hide away in sadness.
   Maybe it is not you at all and you feel there is nothing wrong with your life, your content to enjoy  your family, your toys and your friends. You like to hear the issues of others and offer advice if you can.
   Whatever your life is, the fact remains that you do not have Jesus in it. You are missing out on God's offer to take care of you. You cut grass and trim trees, you plant gardens and predict rain. The things that are all around us are a gift from God and we get to live in it. Jesus came so that we would know the wonderful blessings that God has put all around us. It is our joy for living in His blessings that He wants us to know.
   Jesus was put to death by people who were blinded to whom He was. But to those who do realize who He is, their lives are forever changed. And all for the better. All because God wants us to see Him as the almighty, all powerful Creator who loves us and wants us to be happy.
   Are you going to miss out on an everlasting joy that will bring you peace and happiness through being content, at home living in the presence of God? Where you sing songs of praise and are thankful for Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
    Like the two women who Jesus greeted and they fell to His feet, your joy for your new life will also leave you in awe. You may never understand why God blesses you, but He has brought you to Jesus and a joy filled life that will never leave you. Share your story, others will listen.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and Your promise of bringing us home. 😊   

Luke chapter 16 verses 9-11.
It was early on Sunday morning when Jesus came back to life, and the first person who saw Him was Mary Magdalene---the woman from whom He had cast out seven demons. She found the disciples wet-eyed with grief and exclaimed that she had seen Jesus and that He was alive! But they did not believe her!

1 Peter chapter 4 verse 1 and 2.
Since Christ suffered and underwent pain, you must have the same attitude He did; you must be ready to suffer too. For remember, when your body suffers, sin loses it's power, and you won't be spending the rest of your life chasing after evil desires, but will be anxious to do the will of God.

Romans chapter 8 verses 3 and 4.
We are not saved from sin's grasp by knowing the commandments of God, because we can't and don't keep them, but God put in effect a different plan to save us. He sent His own Son in a human body like ours--- except that ours are sinful---and destroyed sin's control over us by giving Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. So now we can obey God's laws if we follow after the Holy Spirit and no longer obey the evil nature within us.


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