The beautiful picture.
2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6.
For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made us understand that it is the brightness of His glory that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
Being faced with challenges that require a lot of thought and energy to overcome can be tiring. It can be frustrating and make us want to give up and move on. We can picture the beautiful result from the hard work required to achieve our goal, but getting there is turning out to be not as easy as we thought.
What we do can affect others and ourselves. Stress can cause health issues, mounting costs can cause financial issues and taking up time causes animosity and restlessness. It is nice when everything we want, comes together smoothly and we achieve the results that we had originally pictured. Everyone is happy and your thoughts are at rest as you enjoy what you set out to have.
Or so you think! Because there is a list. It is made up of the things we would like to see happen. And in order to get them we need to apply our thoughts, which then starts the whole circle of new challenges all over again. Sometimes we can face several issues at once causing us to feel overwhelmed and we just shut down. Now we are sad and others are sad and what we would like to have had is now not getting done.
I was reading about Moses and the exodus from Egypt. It is amazing how their challenges are no different than the ones we face today, because it is not the size of the challenge or the issues that come along with reaching our goal but it is trusting in God to bring us through. Another story I read about was King Jehoshaphat and how three nations had come together to attack Judah. It was by trusting in God that they experienced the joy of success.
Jesus is God's gift to all people. It is through Him that we can live in the Light of God. It is by trusting in God to be by our side at all times that we can enjoy the blessings of His love. All God wants is for us to know Jesus and through Him come to know the joy of living in God's presence. It is because of our love for God that we sing songs of praise all the time. It is our journey with Jesus that lights the paths on which we walk.
Sure challenges are all around us, but our focus is on God and Jesus to always be with us no matter what we face or where we are. It is through our achievement, that we are so thankful to God for His wisdom, understanding and common sense at seeing us through. Jesus never lost sight of God and you never have to either. Once you live in the Light of God you will never be without God ever again.
Thank you Father for Jesus and opening our eyes to see. Our path with You is always lit and we can see clearly where we are going. 😊
Psalms chapter 119 verses 101 to 105.
"I have refused to walk the paths of evil for I will remain obedient to Your Word. No I haven't turned away from what You taught me; Your words are sweeter than honey. And since only Your rules can give me wisdom and understanding, no wonder I hate every false teaching. Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling."
Matthew chapter 5 verses 14 and 15.
"You are the worlds light---a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father."
2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 17 and 20.
Don't be afraid or discouraged! Go out there tomorrow, for the Lord is with you."
Verse 20.
"Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall have success! Believe His prophets, and everything will be alright!"
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