Life's issues.
Genesis chapter 50 verse 20.
"As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil, for He brought me to this high position I have today so that I could save the lives of many people."
The way I used to live before, was so wrong and was blinded to anything of God.
We go through life dealing with it's up's and downs as they come along without putting one thought into why circumstances happen as they do. We work hard to make a career and become thought of as the provider of someone else's needs. We think we are important because we have a job and can pay our way.
A life like that is good and dandy until something devastating happens that can cause us to question why me. Maybe you lose your job or maybe your job title is changed. Maybe your supply chain of comfortable living is pulled out from under you because of divorce or or death.
Now what? Where do you go from here. You have relied upon yourself for so long and now you are older and facing some pretty hard decisions to make. There's lots of life ahead of you yet. You have others counting on you to provide. You don't want to lose the respect that you have, but you are being given no other choice.
You pull yourself together and write down your options. You look for work. You worry if you have the skills that others may want. Maybe you should go get some training allowing you to have more options, but what should you take? You can't hide for to long because the responsibilities you have are building up quickly around you.
Then one day out of no where comes this opportunity. You jump at it, wondering, "what have I done, and where might this lead me?" So you arrive promptly ready to face whatever is before you. At the end of your day you realize that all your worries have been for nothing. Maybe it is not what you expected, but it is work and you are meeting new people and new experiences.
Maybe you wonder how could this have happened to me? All was going so good, why did things have to change? Why could they not have stayed the same?
We don't have any control over how our lives are led. And that becomes evident quickly when life changing events take place.
Maybe God has given you a shake and is letting you know that He is the one you should be focused on and not your mounting worries. Hopefully you become aware of His nudge and take notice of Him. No matter where life leads you or what the circumstance are that affect you, God is there, waiting for you to talk to Him. He wants you to acknowledge His presence as you see His hand upon your life. A smile of relief will come to your face as you see that He has got you with Him.
Jesus lived a life where He loved people and was interested in who they are. People have a lot of misconceptions about God thinking you have to become this totally new type of person. Well, you will change from your old ways, but it will be for the want of pleasing God, thankful for His grace.
Jesus tells us to trust in Him and He will bring us into a life with God. And you will see clearly that that all of who we are and all of what we have is from God.
The worries you have now will only cause you grief. Talk to God. Call out to Him and ask Him for His help. Believe that He is hearing you and be still. Let Him reply. A wonderful peace will come over you as you realize that He is with you just as He was with Jesus.
Thank you Father for setting us free through Your son Jesus. Thank you for hearing our prayers. 😊
Luke chapter 19 verse 1.
As Jesus was passing through Jericho, a man named Zacchaeus, one of the most influential Jews in the Roman tax collecting business, tried to get a look at Him.
Verses 5 to 7.
Jesus called him by name and said, "I am going to be a guest in your home today" Zacchaeus was filled with excitement and joy. But the crowds grumbled, "He has gone to be a guest of a notorious sinner."
John chapter 16 verses 13 and 14.
Jesus told them, "When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, He shall guide you into all truth, for He will not be presenting His own ideas, but will be passing onto you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future. He shall praise Me and bring Me great honor by showing you My glory.
Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.
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