Ask for Help.
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13.
"For now you belong to Christ Jesus, and though you once were far away from God, now you have been brought very near to Him because of what Jesus Christ has done for you with His blood."
The above statement makes it clear that there are two ways of living. With God and without Him.
Most people do not put much thought into salvation. They may wonder if there is a higher being who made it possible, for the world in which we live, to be here. Some people try to create ideas that will explain our existence. Some believe in science and that through evolution, all just came together, the earth and human beings alike.
There are a lot of believers in God. No matter where you go in the world it is possible to find a church where people are giving thanks to God. So why believe in God and not in some hunk of wood that we carved with our own hands? When you read the bible you will see that God states it clearly, that He created all the heavens and earth. You will see that God created humans and how He loves all that He has created.
And just like anyone who creates something they feel love and joy, in having watched it all come together. Even as time goes by and their work gets shelved and covered in dust, they still know that it was made by their hands and take ownership of it. Other also appreciate what you have made.
It is because God cares that people have a place where they can come. The list of reasons why people seek God can be never ending. Everyone has their own reasons for coming to God and that makes it personal. It takes time to develop trust to the point where you will let your guard down and speak freely.
God is not a daycare or a quick fix. He is a loving trusting Father who loves you very dearly. As you get to know God and who Jesus is you begin to see how much He loves you. You find out that He created you and that He has been with you all along. You just never saw Him before or bothered to look to see if He is there.
Whatever your reasons are for seeking out God and His help, you are now here, looking for help and answers. At first you are curious about what others see and speak about, that you do not. You have created all sorts of thoughts, that have put up barriers to protect you from falling into a place you would rather not be. Nobody wants to be deceived or misled. You can find that on your own without God's help.
What you find is a loving Father who wants nothing but the best for His children. You find out that you are one of His children who has been wandering around without knowing He is there. You find Jesus, who wants to bring you to a life with God.
So you ask for His forgiveness and find His welcoming arms open, waiting for you. You feel a sense of relief and family. You understand, you realize that all your doubts were for nothing. You are at peace and do not want to ever go through life without God or Jesus by your side.
Now you see, the difference of life without Him and what life is like with Him. Now you have joy and thanksgiving in your life. Everything you do is guided by God as you trust and rely upon your Father who is with you. People enjoy being around you, everything is coming together. God protects you from the temptations of the life you once had.
Remember how you never knew He was always there with you until you called out to Him? And found Him right there? Now you understand the one set of footprints in the sand, as it is Jesus who is carrying you now. You know it and everyone around you knows, that you are walking in the Light of Jesus.
Thank you Father for helping us see, when we come to you. Thank you for Jesus and the peace that come with following Him. Thank you for Your welcoming family. 😊
Ephesians chapter 3 verse 12.
"Now we can come fearlessly right into God's presence, assured of His glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in Him."
2 Samuel chapter 22 verses 2 and 3.
"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer;
The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: His is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high tower and my refuge, my savior; you saves me from violence."
Matthew chapter 7 verse 8.
"For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will be opened."
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