Where we are at.

James chapter 5 verse 1.
"Look here, you rich men, now is the time to cry and groan with anguished grief because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you."

No one knows what tomorrow may bring. Are you happy with the life you are working so hard to hold on to?
   Amazing peace is available to all people whom let go of their fears of losing all that they have and come to have a life with God. Nothing of what we own is useful unless it is being used to better the kingdom of God.
   Are you a house owner, working hard to maintain the bills and maintenance of your home? Do you live in a subdivision or in a rural home? Do you keep to yourself or are you someone who likes to meet and greet people? Do you attend church and are you an active member of your church?
   Our time here is so short. When we are young, not much thought gets put into preparing for the future, let alone how important a relationship with God is. Before we know it we are getting older with way more responsibilities than before, for example, you are involved in other peoples lives.    They count on you to be strong and the wise one who has it all together, with few worries. Maintaining a stature is possible if you are a happy person who puts others before himself and loves to enjoy life. Just don't do it at the cost of debt or immoral relations for that leads to heartache.
   Life with God is about reaching others with Jesus. It does not get any simpler than that. When you live by God's plan of discipleship than you are focused on Him and bringing others to know Him. The worries of making your own plans and hoping for a good outcome are dashed when you put God first, knowing that your focus is people and their future.
   I'm not saying that life gets easier, what I am saying is by trusting in God and keeping your focus on Him you become a wise planner with a want to serve others. Patience, prayer, reading God's word and gathering with others for worship and praise, gives you a peace that God's got this and not you. He wants you to be content and happy so that you can reflect your love and faithfulness in Him.
   Don't let life bog you down, make your life a servant of others, knowing that Jesus has brought you into living in God's presence with His Holy Spirit beside you always.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and a life of peace where we get to share you with others as we help them come to know you.😊

James chapter 5 verse 11.
"We know how happy the Lord's prophets are now because they stayed true to Him then, even though they suffered greatly for it. Job is an example of a man who continued to trust the Lord in sorrow; from his experiences we can see how the Lord's plan finally ended in good, for He is full of tenderness and mercy.

John chapter 6 verse 33.
"The true Bread is a Person---the one sent by God from heaven, and He gives life to the world."

Matthew chapter 7 verses 32-34.
"Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well your needs and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to."
"So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."


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