The right road.

Luke chapter 24 verse 31 and 32.
"When suddenly---it was as though their eyes were opened---they recognized Him! And at the moment He disappeared. They began telling each other how their hearts had felt strangely warm as Jesus talked with them and explained the scriptures during their walk down the road."

Do you remember the journey you took when you came to know Jesus? How you felt the wonderful warmth of His love come over you and a joy like you have never felt before fill you?
   The most amazing thing about life with God is that the warmth in your heart and the joy you feel never go away. They are with you forever. Sometimes in your daily living you may wonder about the life you are now living, but those thoughts are quickly extinguished because the Holy Spirit is alive and living inside of you. 
   God knows who will come to Him and are curious to know more. It is from that moment that God takes you under His wing. You are like a student learning a new subject, that totally intrigues your thoughts. As you learn, you are filled with questions that guide you closer to finding the answers you seek.
   Until finally you are standing before Jesus. He is there in front of you. You see the cross and what He gave for you. You see God and His wonderful love. A happiness comes over you that can only come from the eternal joy of God. "Your mind has been opened to understand"
   You find it hard to contain what you have been given. You have found Jesus and He has given you the Holy Spirit to live with you forever. You are now living in God's family where He keeps a close eye on you. You are talking to Him, and you are thanking Him for everything.
   There is a change to you that others notice. You can see clearly the life you left behind and the new roads that you are walking on. Everyday is a new experience where you now see Jesus working through you and God's blessings touching everything you do.
   Be humble and help others step free as you have. It took time and a lot of squirming to except the love of God into your life. So be patient, filled with the joy of God and Jesus inside you, you will be given your chance to speak. There will be someone whom you will help see Jesus. In the mean time worship Him at church, in small groups and in song. Whistle your way through your day walking on the same road with Jesus.
   Thank you Father for opening our eyes. You knew all along who would seek you through Jesus.😊

Luke chapter 24 verse 45.
"Then Jesus opened their minds to understand at last these many Scriptures!

2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14.
"Thanks be to God! For through what Christ has done, He has triumphed over us so that now wherever we go He uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Gospel like a sweet perfume." 

1 John chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.
"These men belong to this world so, quite naturally, they are concerned about worldly affairs and the world pays attention to them.
But we are children of God; that is why only those who have walked and talked with God will listen to us. Others's won't."



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