Set apart.

John chapter 3 verses 19-21.
"Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear that their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to do."

There are two worlds. The world as we know and live in it and heaven. Heaven is where God is and where Jesus is and where the eternal home is for all people who believe that Jesus is there with God.
   The most amazing thing about God is Jesus. From the moment you let Jesus into your life, you are forever changed. And it is that change that sets you apart from those who do not live with God in their hearts.
   A lot of people do not believe in heaven or God or Jesus. For they refuse to believe in something they cannot physically touch or see. Does that make it not real? No. Heaven is a real place and God is the Creator of all that you see and Jesus is God's Son who was put to a horrible death and is alive in heaven with God.
   A spiritual life with God can be hard to accept. You can question the facts and try to call it "fake news" if you like or you can believe that what Jesus teaches is true. God created all things and has watched people turn away from Him. He has created all things so that we can live at peace thanking Him for the blessings of living in His presence; in His house that He created for us to enjoy and appreciate.
   The result of living with God is having the knowledge of heaven and our eternal home.Knowing that and believing in that, brings purpose and forever peace to our lives. It is God who has given all believers that gift through Jesus, His Son. 
   When things happen to us that cause hurt, it can create confusion and anger. So, where do you turn to restore your peace? Unexplained death, loss of job, natural disasters are just a few of the devastating life changing events that can make people question God. Why was He not there to help? After all He is the Almighty, all powerful!
   God is salvation through His Son Jesus. Yes, He is all powerful and does what He sees fit to do with those who love and walk with Him. Just as any parent would do for their own loved ones. When death does happen, there is hope in His promises that they will be in heaven with Him, with Jesus. Eternal life is given to those who respect and honor their heavenly Father. God's Holy Spirit walks with His children and fills them with the joy of salvation received through Jesus.
   God's children talk with Him and enjoy living in His presence. He is with them always and they are grateful, glorifying His Son and giving Him all the praise and honor that He deserves. Pray to God about everything knowing He is listening closely to you and pray with the expectation of His love to be with you.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and our way to life with You. All trust and glory be to You for Your love. 😊 

John chapter 3 verses 6 and 7.
Jesus replied, "Men can only reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven; so don't be surprised at My statement that you must be born again!"

Colossians chapter 3 verse 3.
"You should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God."

Ephesians chapter 4 verses 12 and 13.
"Why is it that He gives us these special abilities to do certain things best? It is that God's people will be equipped to do better work for Him, building up the church, the body of Christ, to a position of strength and maturity; until finally we all believe alike about our salvation and about our Savior, God's Son, and all become full grown in the Lord---yes, to the point of being filled full with Christ."


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