Forever His.
Psalms chapter 39 verse 13.
"Spare me, Lord! Let me recover and be filled with happiness again before my death."
Do you remember what it was like to be happy? When was that? In your youth before the world and it's lures attractively filled you with misguided hopes and dreams?
Maybe it was gaining your first paycheck and being able to buy a car. You were proud of no longer depending on others to take care of you. Maybe it was your first love and the hope of a beautiful life forever together. Maybe it was the birth of your child. Joy can be found in so many things and so to can our expectations fill us with hopeful dreams.
Our pasts are always better than where we are at right now. It is by the choices that we have made that has led us to be thankful or sad. It is our memories of our happy days that gives us the hope of finding a way to get back there.
Jesus has a way for us to be happy and content along with a promise of future hope. It is believing in Him to lead us to a life with God. That is where God is waiting with welcoming praise, that you have come to live with Him. From the moment you come to God your life changes for the better.
I wish everyone would know of God's amazing love and I pray for Him to use me to bring Him to others. I pray for compassion and a listening ear so that I am living in a manner that reflects Jesus. I work hard to help others and be the one who volunteers when there is a need to be filled.
My life has had it's fair share of grumbling and feelings of misfortune, so I am happy to serve and represent God who has been gracious enough to let me into a life with Him. If you put God first in all you do; if you start your day with Him and trust in His love to guide you; if you are thankful to Him for the blessings He bestows upon you and you finish your day with prayers of thanksgiving and reading His word then you are truly His child. Living in the presence of our Father.
Stay strong and focused on God and the teachings of Jesus. Represent them well in in your life and you will be blessed with God's love. If mistakes happen and they will, you will have a quick recovery because of your faithfulness to God. You may even see a blessing happen to you or to someone else which will reassure you of His love in your life.
Thank you Father for Jesus and the new life we have with You. What a joy it is to talk about You. 😊
Romans chapter 15 verse 20.
"But all the while my ambition has been to go still farther, preaching where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else."
1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18.
"I know very well how foolish it sounds to those who are lost, when they hear that Jesus died to save them."
1 John chapter 4 verse 15.
"Anyone who believes and says that Jesus is the Son of God has God living in him, and he is living with God."
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