Be available.
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 15.
"Then He took the two groups that had been opposed to each other and made them part of Himself; thus He fused us together to become one new person, and at last there was peace."
Do you share God in everyday life? Are you so thankful to Jesus that you stand out as someone filled with thankfulness and joy?
That is one of the biggest fears that people have for coming to God. That we need to share Him with others. It is not that we do not want to, but no likes to be ridiculed or ignored.
You have found Him and His saving grace so why can't others find Him just as you did? God does not work like that. From the moment you accept the invitation of Jesus to come and live in the presence of God, you realize His wonderful forgiveness and love for all people. He forgave you and welcomed you with open loving arms into His family so why not be thankful and share with others what you have been blessed with?
So how do you do that? Be yourself. Jesus did nothing different than what He knew. He is God's Son, so He lived as God's Son. And we are to live like that also. In order to be able to share God and Jesus you need to be around people. He is not to kept hidden away or kept to yourself.
At some point in your life you heard about the loving grace of God and that led you to know Jesus. Opportunities to share God will only come if you are around people and are there when circumstances allow an opening, and you get to share what you have experienced.
Acts of kindness come from being available. Volunteering when no one else want to is also good.
You see, there are lots of ways to share God without seeming pushy and overbearing. You do not want to get into someones space, telling them that they need to do this or that. God is the joy of life that He brings to someones heart. And Jesus is the best representation of serving others with the love of God.
Your happiness will be seen by others. They will comment on the change in your life and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. As you experience the touch of His love on your life, you will be filled with thankfulness and the want to serve Him. You will want to know more about Him and seek out His love. The joy in your heart will be that beacon of Light talked about in the bible.
Thank you Father for taking away any fear and building our confidence so that we are living out your plans and serving you as your children. Thank you for Jesus.😊
Ephesians chapter 2 verses 21 and 22.
"We who believe are carefully joined together with Christ as parts of a beautiful, constantly growing temple for God. And you also are joined with Him and with each other by the Spirit, and are parts of this dwelling place of God."
1 Samuel chapter 25 verse 28.
"Forgive me for my boldness in coming out here. The Lord will surely reward you with eternal royalty for your descendants, for you are fighting His battles, and you will never do wrong throughout your entire life."
Judges chapter 7 verse 15.
"When Gideon heard the dream and the interpretation, all he could do was just stand there worshiping God!
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