A new day Light!

Psalms chapter 51 verse 9 and 10.
"Don't keep looking at my sins---erase them from your sight. Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires."

That is the prayer that is spoken when you have gotten to the point of having a broken spirit. You are tired and worn out from struggling all the time and getting no where fast. It seems everyone is coming down on you with all these expectations of how you should live but you are not able to please everyone.
   Your own sadness is overwhelming your days. You know what needs to be done, but find it hard to let go. You will have to give up friends, you will have to get up and work hard to achieve. You enjoy the way alcohol and drugs make you feel, but it is a short lived joy, that leaves you feeling tired.
   The need for money can lead us to do all sorts of things. It is the source of having food to eat and a shelter over our heads. Maybe you get a job and are able to get the things you want. Life can be a viscous circle of never ending wants. When we don't have, we want more and when we do get, we want more. 
   The job comes, then a car, then we want someone to share our life with. Our old habits lead us to look in the wrong places, where peace is hard to find. A family comes, a house comes, a boat comes, a camper comes and so on....hopefully your spouse and you agree and get along, quickly agreeing to share the work load to maintain all that you have built up around you.
   All of this can lead to calling out to God because you are broken and sad. Life's pressures will never go away. God gives us hope and a place where we can come live with Him in peace. All around you are people whom have lives that they have to deal with. The bible is filled with the stories of ordinary everyday people who, like you, have to deal with what surrounds them. So, the things that you are dealing with have all been seen before and God forgives promising a better life with Him.
   Look out the window and take in all that you see. Birds, sky, and people, these things did not just appear on their own. God created them, the same God who wants to show you love. Sure you feel down, the problems you have do not belong to anyone else. You are the one who has to deal with them otherwise you will be forever struggling and frustrated.
   Give God a chance to prove what He promises. Get to know Jesus and why He is known as God's Son. God is real, His promises are real and there is a good life awaiting you. All you have to do is reach out asking for help. Jesus will bring you before God and your tears of joy will be what you have been looking for---for so long.
   There is hope and love and an everlasting relief of peace to all who come to Jesus. Be brave, gain the confidence you need, as you watch God make your life clean. Your life will change, and for the better as you step free from the chains that bind you. Everything comes with time and patience, but also with the support and love of God and the joy of life with Jesus.
   It is your story that will be heard by others and maybe they too will want to share in knowing God.
   Thank you Father for the wonderful love you offer to all people. It is our life with You that brings joy to Your heart. Thank you for Jesus. 😊 

Psalms chapter 51 verse 19.
"And when my heart is right, then You will rejoice in the good that I do."

Psalms chapter 103 verse 22.
"Let everything everywhere bless the Lord. And how I bless Him too!"

Luke chapter 1 verse 77 and 78.
"You will tell His people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. All this will be because the mercy of our God is very tender, and heaven's dawn is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and deaths shadow, and to guide us to the path of peace."


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