What works for you?

James chapter 1 verse 5.
"If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; He will not resent it."

How do you see God? As some spiritual entity, that if it is real, can grant you a peaceful life and maybe an afterlife of some sort?
   Are you just following the crowds in hope that if there is a God, He can do for you the things He promises? Do you see the bible as a book or as His word written to help us know and see God as our Father and creator of all things?
   Do you believe that Jesus is alive and with God right now? If you pick up the bible and start from the beginning, you will learn that God is the creator of the earth and of human life. You will see how He loves being with people and how they love being with Him. 
   So what happened to make people love the things of the world more than love and trust in Him? I could tell you to read what happened to Adam and Eve, but lets just say people have found it easier to trust themselves and the tangible things that world offers more than God. 
   Does that work? No, for there are too many mistakes made, leaving people frustrated and filled with anxieties. The outcome is being lost looking for the answers as to "why does stuff happen to me?" which has led people to create all sorts of beliefs. For example: "This is just the way life is and I have to deal with what happens to me," or maybe worshiping things that have been created to give them justification and satisfaction. 
   God does not work like that. The bible is the story of God, written by people to bring the love of God to all people. With God comes peace of mind and understanding. There are countless stories of how people have reached a point in their lives where they feel there is no where else to turn, but to God. It is through those people that God is revealed. 
   They talk of Jesus and how their lives have been changed. They talk about being content and at peace. Not just a moment of peace that has brought you through an issue, but a trusting peace that makes you want to rely upon God. People who walk with God, pray to Him always, seeking His guidance. Seeking His wisdom to so that He is the one glorified in all that they do. 
   There is no longer, trusting in yourself to get you through the next day, but a focus on God, your Father, to be with you, as you walk with Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 
Thank-you Father for Jesus and the peace of mind that come through focusing on You. 😊

Psalms chapter 13 verses 5 and 6.
"But I will always trust in You and in Your mercy and shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord because He has blessed me so richly."

1 Kings chapter 3 verse 28.
"Word of the king's decision spread quickly throughout the entire nation, and all the people were awed as they realized the great wisdom God had given him."

Proverbs chapter 1 verse 29.
"For you closed your eyes to the facts and did not choose to reverence and trust the Lord."



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