Steady on...

Proverbs chapter 21 verse 5.
"Steady plodding brings prosperity; hasty speculation brings poverty."

Do you get anxious to see results? It is so easy to fall into the trap of "I need it now." Our minds fill up with all the reasons for seeing results right away. There can be a never ending list of "what if's."
   The results of being anxious can be devastating to health, happiness and peace. One of the biggest issues with being anxious is telling yourself that "I'll just get this one thing and then I will be done." It would be nice if life worked out that way but it doesn't. You see, when we do get what we want, when we want, then that leaves people thinking that they can do it again. "What harm ever came from getting what I wanted right now?"
   The harm can be blinded to the one who got their way. Debt, suffering marriages, anxieties caused by worry; all are results that can be hidden from the person pushing their way forward. So how much patience do we need and why should a person wait to get what they want?
   Let me ask you a different question? Is your focus of life on God or on the concerns that this world brings? Jesus says to trust God and He will provide. What is trust though? How far do we trust God?
   Really, it is not about trusting in someone. It is about where you place your loyalties. When you are comfortable with something than it seems like everything comes together smoothly. There are no worries or thinking about the "what if's." Life comes together peacefully. You have what you need and love and happiness are present.
   God wants you to live with Him. Not as someone visiting but as His child where He is with you every moment of your day. The challenges of life become experiences of watching God walk beside you and maybe having an opportunity to share Him with others.
   I can't tell you how to find peace and contentment. But by trusting God He promises to provide all that you need so that you are not anxious but content with living in His presence.
   It doesn't mean the anxious moments will not come upon you or that temptation will go away. What God offers is to be with you so that you can talk to Him and ask Him for His help. You will smile because He has proven Himself to be there for you. You belong to His family, walking with Jesus, surrounded by the light of God's world.
   Thank-you Father for Jesus and a new life where peace is found in trusting You.😊

Matthew chapter 6 verse 32 and 33.
"Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to."

Psalms chapter 55 verse 22.
"Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the Godly to slip or fall."

Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 and 6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct you paths."


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