Share Jesus
Colossians chapter 1 verse 28.
"So everywhere we go we talk about Christ to all who will listen, warning them and teaching them as well as we know how."
So what is it that we talk about? Do we tell people that we know this guy who can heal all illness, take away sadness and offers all people eternal life? Do we talk about Him being the creator of all that we see? That it was He who placed the sun and moon in the sky and filled it with stars? Do we tell them that He created the human body and that He wants to love and care for us?
The answer is,Yes. We are to let everyone know that God is real and that Christ is His Son and to all who believe in Jesus, that God's Holy Spirit will forever walk with them.
So when the opportunity arises, let people know there is a better life to be had. As God's child, you can't help but live by example. For instance, God is watching over your life. Guiding you to speak the right words that will bring honor and glory to Him. He also watches closely over your life so that you are kept safe from temptations. It is having your focus on God that will bring you His blessings and His peace.
It is the way you act and by the things that you do, that others will see the love of God in your life. God will use you and He will give you the opportunities to talk about Him to others. So there is no added stress upon your life to go out and present God to the world. To shout out about the wonderful love of Jesus and salvation.
You are to be His child, filled with the happiness of His glory. You are to trust in Him and work hard at expanding His kingdom, not just in your own life, but with others who walk with Jesus as you do.
Read the bible daily. Start off your day by asking God to be with you in all your do so that you are bringing glory and honor to Him. Attend church and be active in serving with a joyous heart. Attend community groups so that you are talking and sharing Jesus with others. Sing songs of praise and be thankful for everything to God.
He is the one who has changed your life and that others around you are noticing. So be His child and continue to keep your eyes upon Him. Rely upon Him for everything and what you will find is how He talks right through you to others. You will be so amazed, excited and brought to joyful tears at the change to yourself.
Thank you Father for Jesus and for the comfort and contentment of the peaceful life you offer to all people. 😊
Matthew chapter 15 verse 31.
"What a spectacle it was! Those who hadn't been able to say a word before were talking excitedly, and those with missing arms and legs had new ones; the crippled were walking and jumping around, and those who had been blind were gazing about them! The crowds just marveled, and praised the God of Israel."
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 27.
"How can you say that the Lord does not see your troubles and isn't being fair? Don't you yet understand? Don't you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary?"
Psalms chapter 19 verse 14.
"May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to You, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer."
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